From vids i've seen of gameplay on the tube the voice acting is a little corny, repetitive and I can only imagine it would get very irratating over time. Graphics aren't bad but they certainly ain't close to making full use of what the Xbox or Playstation are capable of, the bolts of guns that are firing are a little "stationary" don't you think?
The AI of computer opponents seems rather pathetic, laning, snap shooting etc is non existent from it and they continuously bump into bunkers that are being lit up or are clearly just a bad idea, it looks far to easy to just run up the field and bunker everyone, of course it's quite possible that there are difficulty options and all these vids are on "newb newb mode" or something.
Also appears that when you are shot you HAVE to attempt to wipe? if you fail you would imagine this means "you've been caught in the act ya scum bag!" but all you face is being sent to the dead box, your player doesn't even have to make the walk of shame either, he "teleports" before your very eyes!

just like that.
One of my mates has it for the Playstation hes not had much game time so far and has neither stated for or against so hopefully I will get a go sometime and maybe I will discover that when you actually play the game, its a blast.