Damn the pessimistic side of me always getting me into trouble.

Pairing pessimism with the ability to ramble utter tosh and I suppose that's just where it's going to get ya, I guess as soon as I heard "NPPL Championship Paintball 2009 to be released" the optimistic side of me had been thinking too much that it would be the best game there ever was, so of course I was gonna be let down.
Didn't mean my comment to turn out to be looked upon as a "review" folks (which it certainly
wasn't, too one sided) just my initial response from trailers, footage etc which I still feel are justified by these but now I actually have first hand experience I can say the videos and my initial response (quite clearly) haven't done the game any justice.
All right it's never gonna become a recognised household favourite but as a Paintballer it's certainly easy to be sucked in by it once you play a few games (7v7 FTW). Theres definately the same level of satisfaction in snapshooting your mirror out as there is in real Paintball, booyah!

The 'work your way up' style of the career mode is a great idea for giving the game some lastability. Theres drills to hone your skills, some of which I've never seen before and will be getting tried out for real. The ability to customise your setup will satisfy the only real need of all paintballers, to be agg as f**k.
It will be the disk that houses in my 360 for a while once it's available that's for sure, online multiplayer is sure to b a hoot!