Agree with most of the comments. Thought that some of those nioses got very irritatting(bloody grass hopper things).
Some of the marshalls (only a couple mind you) were diabolical, it isn't funny getting deafened when some twat drops a flashbang 2 feet from you.
My only real problem was, as every one has metioned, the idiot cowards they weren't back players, i'm aback man and I gave it a go but isn't much incentive in doing any glory boy moves when you get shot in the back of the head by some idiot rental half a sector behind you.
There were two many cowards, my bro was a rental but that didn't stop him going for at every opportunity, so why not every one else?
The platoons were a good idea but it broke down the second ppl got eliminated, though there were some good company commanders, the chap on white alpha did a good job
Why where ever you are, does one of the co2 fillstations break immediatly?
Was anyone here at that little alamo reenactment at the main bunker in the moring (when the fire got started) there were some damn fine chaps there, best bit of the day.
Also anyone take part in the little run up the path at the end of the morning session? now i know what it feels like to be lit up by 4 angels.
Awesome day, espechially if you happened to be with the north in the last 5 minutes.
Let's face it there are always going to be some problems, espechialy on a event like this. And anyway thay gave me a jersey and a nice price for a freak, so woohoo!
Lets see if we can't break a thousand next year.
Anyone going to kenny's revenge? (when it's resheduled)
Paul Brozyna (fat loudmouth, in JT grey camotop and Purple IZE with the amazing burping 2002 stock cocker.)