Well, I suppose given the amount of dissing we Southerners received on these boards, it's no surprise that having won the day the rumours of chgeating start flying. We started lunch from the camp and simply used North's morning tactics of making a fast breakout to secure territory. I got to Blue 3 and had to wait 2-3 minuted before I saw a Northerner, and I wasn't even motoring that hard.
I didn't play very well, it wasn't quite what I was expecting, but I still had a great time. Maybe I read my first orders differently but it was quite clear that facilities were going to be sparse among so many players so I took as much as I could to be self sufficient, so less downtime (although courtesy of the North I made several stops back at base!)
Lessons were learned I'm sure for next time, and with 600+ players not everyone is going to play like they should. Heard the usual claims of wiping and hot guns, and have a dot-to-dot welt picture on my back from bonus balling (swearing recorded for posterity by the BPM camera), but that will have happened on both sides.
What we need to do is thank Paul and Warped sports for bothering to put this on in the first place. Anyone who spoke to him as he made the effort to chat to campers on Saturday evening will have got an idea of the immense amount of time and deication he and his staff put in. I don't think many of us would have put up with all the hassle and cr*p he did to get this game off the ground.
Anyway, I'll be there next time and hopefully won't get turned into a Christmas tree so much by our worthy Northern opponents.