Actually Loco you may be surprised, but the city names ARE important to the teams AND the league at present.
Of course it is 'cooler' and more 'controvertial' to say they aren't, but the reason they work at the moment is as follows:
The NPPL does a lot of work with local press in an attempt to drive public to the events.
The local press ALWAYS looks for the local interest story.
It is for this reason that Camille was actively trying to get teams to take the HB name. Not so that a bunch of people would turn out to support said team - thats optimistic. People don't turn up to support them, but if the spectators have been driven there through local marketing they do support them once they know they are local.
A perfect example is Rage, in the first year of the NPPL, vs. Dynasty in Miami. Dynasty were the team with all the 'fans', but these 'fans' were shouted down by the locals, who really rooted for the home team. The media notices this and the story becomes a more interesting one for them. 3 years down the line, with the appropriate marketing in the local area, the NPPL would expect to see people turn up to root for Rage again when they hear paintball is back in town. This is the long promotional dollar and the reason 40-80,000 flyers go to each event and aredistributed to the schools, universities, churches, bars, restuarants etc.
Thus the NPPL and the NXL have different philosophies and agenda's when it comes down to city/team names.
In HB I was asked many times if there was a local team playing the event. I was asked this in Denver too. In fact it is often one of the first questions asked. Locals want to know what team they should be rooting for.
Unfortunately many teams were reluctant to take the HB name as they were thinking in the NXL way. They chose the biggest cities they could. Maybe that will pay off for them in the long run, but for the next few years I think HB is the best city name available. The city is heavily involved in Paintball, the local businesses received around a million paintball players dollars this year. Paintball is now part of the towns extreme sport 'heritage' and I would have thought that a team tagged HB could make financial gain from that, even if it was just free hotel rooms, food etc.
Bearing in mind this is something the teams would have to do themselves it is probably safe to say it won't happen, but an entrepreneurial team captain would see this and be able to benefit from it.
This may not help you personally Loco, or your friends, so you may not see it as important, but it does help, it mainly helps the team that bears the cities name. Unfortunately no-one seems to 'get it', which is why no-one chose Denver, Tampa or Vegas.
Rage and Redz chose the best city names as it stands at the moment. Long term this could change, but right now thats how I see it.
TJ is totally right though, the role of promoting a teams name does not fall at the feet of the event promotors, but surely on the team itself, but then that would involve more than simply turning up, playing, asking sponsors for more stuff, bitching about refs/paint/cheating, getting drunk, and then leaving.
In which case it won't happen, so they will just have to make do with any residual promotion they get from the promotion of the event itself.