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New fixed price tournament inc paint :)

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
I have just re-read this thread and I feel I should point out that it is not just the King of the hill level teams.
Every team will gain playing this format, but the amount you gain will be dependant on where you are at the start, if you are near the top of the tree .......... well you get my drift.
But and this is my point, you will still see a benefit, and keep a lot of your hard earned in your pocket:)



Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
200 balls each per game? I've played entire tournaments on less than that.

Still, wouldn't fancy doing it on purpose tho...


Old Baller, getting older
Jun 14, 2007
Northern England
200 balls each per game? I've played entire tournaments on less than that.

Still, wouldn't fancy doing it on purpose tho...
Tried it last night in a 3man friendly, mugged all three players in the first game, took two on the second, and then shot out, all within one hopper...

Not bad for only coming back to the sport after a 3year break due to 5knee ops and a few too many trips to Arabic countries....

It is a brilliant idea because it makes people THINK, instead of just letting the paint flow.

Let me know a date and a Venue, am keen to play and ref if needs be


New Member
Jan 5, 2005
North Essex
Visit site
Limited paint tourneys

Have read this thread with great interest. I played quite a few tourneys (woodland) when the limit on the paint was less than 1000 per player. Tourneys were held @ Kooh Doow, Doug Setters place near Billericay and a couple of others. Normally we got 9 games and the best thing of all was that you knew the cost (total) before travel & a few cuppas.

However that said mags and cockers were the order of the day and therefore the rates of fire were slower than todays electro markers but hey this is opening the tourney scene back to novices at sensible prices which is something that the tournament scene in the UK so desperately needs.

Russell DO IT - at least do one wether it be sup air or woodland.

I may even dust down my own kit!! Oh and one last thing whatever happened to the site at Kooh Doow coz it was one of the best woodland sites I have ever played?


Shining Glory

Platinum Member
Dec 4, 2006
I really can't understand what some people are moaning about if it was my team enterring i would allocate 1000 balls per round to split between the five players. Remember this is for new players playing a very cheap tournament. Those saying it is not enough paint for a game get off your arse, stop shooting lanes and shoot them in the back. There are times in this years Xball when at least two of us have walked off the field with using less than a hopper and cheating like f**k to win the game, its all about cheating. I can see this being a great tournament bringing alot of young and new people into the game and lets face it that is definately what we need. I myself would not have a problem with Cheating on a field. Regarding sponsorship i am sure Russ will be able to sort something out with the paint suppliers and exactly how many teams in Koth are sponsored? Sponsers are not that bad you know I am sure that if we were to enter our young guns team into this we would get full backing from Nicola, PJ and Barry from Pheonix paintball. At the end of the day if our young guns become competative they will be enterring more tourneys. So get on board and give it a try if you cant play a game with 1000 balls between 5 of you get training and get aggressive.

:rolleyes::rolleyes: our team and a few other teams in the div noticed how you won your games in x-ball :D:D

Shining Glory

Platinum Member
Dec 4, 2006
I am not saying its not a good idea, it is.....

Regarding the whole, "what if i bring paint to the tournament". Well if Russ is trying to sort this out for the teams at a cheap price.
As far as i can see this is incuded in the entrance price per team, so does not matter if cheap as it is fixed prices.

If a team wanted to only use their normal brand thats not a problem they can just play when that is offered.

:rolleyes: If kept secret how are we suppose to know when to play :confused: