I do agree with what you have said however the part I have added in bold, doesnt make sense, to me at least.i like the idea, but what you are limiting it to is really not that practical
5 hoppers on field, 200 in each, 1000 per team per game, and 9 games, so 9000 in just hoppers.
now i know not everyone will shoot a hopper per game, but it does kinda limit things doesnt it.
i am not trying to be neg, as i thing the fixed price game format is inivative to say the least, but i just think that limit is not practical with 9 game format.
it does lead to the opinion that teams will end up sending players out with little or no paint so that a back player can shoot a pot and a hopper, thus meaning some players will end up not getting value for money.
i dont know what to suggest the paint limit should be, i am just stating the full facts of the limit
When I played, the paint bill was always split evenly across a team. The back pl;ayers naturally took more paint out onto the field, every game,than the front players. The front players were in essence paying for paint they ddnt shoot HOWEVER they are being supported with lanes etc from the back guys, so to do their job, they need a back guy laying down the paint.
If you were to all pay for only the paint you used personally, the back guys would go bankrupt and the front guys would be quids in.
If you are entering and playing as a team, I beleive paint bill should be split across all players. its the TEAM that shoots x000 paintballs, not each individual.