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New fixed price tournament inc paint :)


Peter Pan of Paintball
Feb 25, 2005
i like the idea, but what you are limiting it to is really not that practical

5 hoppers on field, 200 in each, 1000 per team per game, and 9 games, so 9000 in just hoppers.

now i know not everyone will shoot a hopper per game, but it does kinda limit things doesnt it.

i am not trying to be neg, as i thing the fixed price game format is inivative to say the least, but i just think that limit is not practical with 9 game format.

it does lead to the opinion that teams will end up sending players out with little or no paint so that a back player can shoot a pot and a hopper, thus meaning some players will end up not getting value for money.

i dont know what to suggest the paint limit should be, i am just stating the full facts of the limit
I do agree with what you have said however the part I have added in bold, doesnt make sense, to me at least.

When I played, the paint bill was always split evenly across a team. The back pl;ayers naturally took more paint out onto the field, every game,than the front players. The front players were in essence paying for paint they ddnt shoot HOWEVER they are being supported with lanes etc from the back guys, so to do their job, they need a back guy laying down the paint.

If you were to all pay for only the paint you used personally, the back guys would go bankrupt and the front guys would be quids in.

If you are entering and playing as a team, I beleive paint bill should be split across all players. its the TEAM that shoots x000 paintballs, not each individual.

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
i like the idea, but what you are limiting it to is really not that practical

5 hoppers on field, 200 in each, 1000 per team per game, and 9 games, so 9000 in just hoppers.

now i know not everyone will shoot a hopper per game, but it does kinda limit things doesnt it.

i am not trying to be neg, as i thing the fixed price game format is inivative to say the least, but i just think that limit is not practical with 9 game format.

it does lead to the opinion that teams will end up sending players out with little or no paint so that a back player can shoot a pot and a hopper, thus meaning some players will end up not getting value for money.

i dont know what to suggest the paint limit should be, i am just stating the full facts of the limit

At the masters when I helped run Inferno they won division one and also won division 3 and both teams between them used FIVE boxes of good quality paint so I promise you the amount of paint is more than adequate you just have to increase your gun/game skills, shooting players instead of bunkers or refs is a quick tip you can have for free.;)
Very good teams in the past used to learn by using this very format and it worked in fact Ledz used to give his team 100 balls per game because he wanted to increase their basic skills in the game and it worked.
When I played the format that gave me this idea (Tim Taylors Forest Nationals at Kooh Doow) he used issue 114 balls per 15 minute woodland game and as a team we went home with a box of paint at least.

I also play in a woodland team and we have a little in team competition on who can use the least paint in every game, we use less than a box each on average over the day, and we have not lost a tourney in five years.



Platinum Member
Aug 27, 2004
I think this is a great idea.

As russ stated in the 1st post, this is for New koth teams up to div 2 teams.
To give them a chance to get some ball in, also to make it a cheaper day for everyone that plays.

Now with the limt'd paint situation. I really cant see why some people are posting up this is an unreasonable amount.

With a limt'd amount of paint, it makes the games play faster. Also the teams have to think alot more. You can't just play 7-man paintball, (sit there shooting 7 pots a game).

Regarding the whole, "what if i bring paint to the tournament". Well if Russ is trying to sort this out for the teams at a cheap price.
I think you will be taking the pi$$ a abit, and bringing your own paint.
Also as russ said, you will not know the brand/type untill the day.

With teams saying my gun will not shoot some paint, well thats fine. But dont you think Russ has thought of this?
I would of thought Russ has chosen and brand/type of paint that you can shoot thought any type of gun, E.G. Blaze, re-sport, etc. (and if your guns dont shoot that, well then theres something really wrong.)

And the comment about front players are paying for back players. You should not think of it like that. Its a TEAM game, And the TEAM should spilt the whole day equally with players.
If you start down the route of "your a back player, you should pay more". Well, you know what im going to say to that.

Lets not forget, this is a fixed price tournament, to help new teams out!

Staffy Lee

staying inside the closet
First off I think the overall 'concept' is a great idea - its seems to be KOTH +
but I do think the maths are wrong - 9000 balls for 9 games = 1000 balls per game - so it becomes 'less' than Koth ??
But theres the issue with paint sponsors (however small you may think this is) - If you want the 'higher ranked' teams to compete to induce this 'excitement' you spoke of - some of these teams would 'prefer' to use their chosen paint
Also wouldn't it be better to just limit the amount of paint that goes onto the field at the start of each game? - eg each player has a full hopper and a certain amount of full pots split between the team - offering the 'team' an option of not giving the front players as much as the back players?
I know this would bring the price up slightly but what would happen if a team used all 9000 balls in the first 6 games? would they even bother turning out onto the field for the last 3 to play teams who have 'managed' their allocation better? - I dont think so - so you then have 3 teams totally p!ssed because they dont play all 9 games thro' no fault of their own.
Feel free to flame away

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
First off I think the overall 'concept' is a great idea - its seems to be KOTH +
but I do think the maths are wrong - 9000 balls for 9 games = 1000 balls per game - so it becomes 'less' than Koth ??
But theres the issue with paint sponsors (however small you may think this is) - If you want the 'higher ranked' teams to compete to induce this 'excitement' you spoke of - some of these teams would 'prefer' to use their chosen paint
Also wouldn't it be better to just limit the amount of paint that goes onto the field at the start of each game? - eg each player has a full hopper and a certain amount of full pots split between the team - offering the 'team' an option of not giving the front players as much as the back players?
I know this would bring the price up slightly but what would happen if a team used all 9000 balls in the first 6 games? would they even bother turning out onto the field for the last 3 to play teams who have 'managed' their allocation better? - I dont think so - so you then have 3 teams totally p!ssed because they dont play all 9 games thro' no fault of their own.
Feel free to flame away

Believe me this is a tried and trusted method and it will work, if I had a team in I would send my team on with a hopper and a pot each and anybody who went into the pot had better have a bloody good excuse.
It certainly is not a replacement KOTH format.
If a team wanted to only use their normal brand thats not a problem they can just play when that is offered.
I have now spoke to four suppliers who have all said they would never stop there teams playing this format even if they was using another brand because they see the potential for everyone.



watching you
Nov 14, 2005
I really can't understand what some people are moaning about if it was my team enterring i would allocate 1000 balls per round to split between the five players. Remember this is for new players playing a very cheap tournament. Those saying it is not enough paint for a game get off your arse, stop shooting lanes and shoot them in the back. There are times in this years Xball when at least two of us have walked off the field with using less than a hopper and winning the game its all about aggression. I can see this being a great tournament bringing alot of young and new people into the game and lets face it that is definately what we need. I myself would not have a problem with walking onto a field with 200 balls. Regarding sponsorship i am sure Russ will be able to sort something out with the paint suppliers and exactly how many teams in Koth are sponsored? Sponsers are not that bad you know I am sure that if we were to enter our young guns team into this we would get full backing from Nicola, PJ and Barry from Pheonix paintball. At the end of the day if our young guns become competative they will be enterring more tourneys. So get on board and give it a try if you cant play a game with 1000 balls between 5 of you get training and get aggressive.


Old Baller, getting older
Jun 14, 2007
Northern England
I'll PM you I live in the North East you may show me something simple that I am missing, I have tried Summer and Winter grade... Don't get me wrong thow Chronic flows well, in fact anything by Zap flies well!!!

I am not too worried on the type of balls as long as I don't spend half the game cleaning the barrel

At the end of the day those who want to play this tourney will, those that don't just need to stop whinging and play the tourneys they like. No one can please everyone.... if they can I would love to meet that genius!!!


Dec 18, 2005
Visit site
I'd definately be up for playing this format and I'm pretty confident I could quite easily raise a team to play it, all just comes down to location for me really, which is usually the least of my problems. You just need to be open minded enough to actually give it a go put your trust in Russ :p


Ir3 not Ion
Jan 22, 2007
i've already said i think this is a quality idea. if anything it opens up tourney paintball to university teams, it gives people an exact figure which they are then able to save for / ask for grants for, you never no this format could really take off for a university league.
also 200 paintballs per game is surely feasible, realistically it is 100 in the hopper and 100 in a pot, i know that neither my revvy or egg could hold 200 without jamming.
to get round the problem of teams just wasting the paint in the first 6 games then leaving, the paint could simply be given out once on the feild, each team receiving 10, 100 shot pots. obviously you could then decided to give more pots to back guys ect but it stops the problems people have suggested.