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national service


I think therefore I am.
Sep 19, 2005
Don't hold your breath about the government introducing national service anytime soon,it's way too costly in the current economical climate and nobody in the government or even the next government for that matter would ever have the backbone to introduce it.
when i finish my degree and work my way through the political ladder to number 10 i shall:) il bring back our innocent soliders to protect from a home land attack and use the scumbags to fight rag heads.


Dec 1, 2005
Spot on

I agree with no-infernomark there is no dicipline anymore. In most of the family's invloved with the rioting you will find that there is no father figure, there is no one to give direction or advice. I am a father of 2 and I belive that I have instilled a sence of respect into my kids, not just for the law but for everything around them. Where the father is not present there is no control, no respect and no dicipline.
If national service was introduced it would allow 2 years to knock some dicipline and respect into them and also some loyalty to the country they are in, cos they may have to help out in war zones


Dec 1, 2005
when i finish my degree and work my way through the political ladder to number 10 i shall:) il bring back our innocent soliders to protect from a home land attack and use the scumbags to fight rag heads.
You have my vote already


Pigeon amongst the cats
Sep 25, 2002
Location, Location.
I agree with no-infernomark there is no dicipline anymore. In most of the family's invloved with the rioting you will find that there is no father figure, there is no one to give direction or advice. I am a father of 2 and I belive that I have instilled a sence of respect into my kids, not just for the law but for everything around them. Where the father is not present there is no control, no respect and no dicipline.
Where did you get this golden nugget of information? Did you manage to go round all 1500 people who've been arrested? Did you personally speak to the majority of the protesters?

don't believe everything the papers tell you. It is far more complicated than a lack of discipline.

I do however agree with some form of national service.

Hasn't Germany has stopped its NS program? Anyone know why?

Dr Fingers

They don't tell me nothin
Feb 1, 2009
Dunedin, New Zealand
i believe this would be a good idea as people would learn right from wrong and a good worthwhile trade:)
Worth thinking of the downsides. The British Army is effective because of it's professionalism. It is difficult to coerce people who don't have it in them to become soldiers. I'm also pretty sure the military don't want to have to wet nurse conscripts as they tend to be unreliable and poor fighters.

There is also the issue the ExUSSR countries have faced with large numbers of well trained ex soldiers and nothing legitimate to do. Training individuals with antisocial tendencies to use PE4 and firearms can have it's drawbacks.
Rich :)


Dec 1, 2005
Where did you get this golden nugget of information? Did you manage to go round all 1500 people who've been arrested? Did you personally speak to the majority of the protesters?
OK I will admit I didn't speak to all of them :p but I would guess that is part of the reason, I grew up in a rough area (with red lights and blue ones now and then) and you could see where the trouble makers came from. From what I have seen, single parent families seem to have more problems than families with a father figure.


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
OK I will admit I didn't speak to all of them :p but I would guess that is part of the reason, I grew up in a rough area (with red lights and blue ones now and then) and you could see where the trouble makers came from. From what I have seen, single parent families seem to have more problems than families with a father figure.
Single parent families =/= antisocial behavior. I'm going to completely counteract your view with one of my own: Some people are just ****ers, regardless of the presence of a father figure or not. In fact, my experience is that it's the people who come the 'perfect' nuclear families that f*ck around the most, but nobody suspects them of it because they behave so well at home. Sometimes it helps them so much because they grow up with a natural sense of entitlement in that regard, they come from a 'better' family, and so treat people that way.

I'm from what could be construed as a single parent family, and I've never been raised to treat anyone with anything but respect - I don't believe that the number of parents has anything to do with that. I won't deny that there may be a general trend, but I doubt it's a cause. A sense of respect comes from many places, if the kid isn't too busy being a ****er to just pay attention.

I'm not so sure of National Service, for the reasons mentioned, although a friend had one idea that caught my attention. They suggested the equivalent of the American boot camp, where troublemakers go to learn respect the hard way - independently of the military.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Worth thinking of the downsides. The British Army is effective because of it's professionalism. It is difficult to coerce people who don't have it in them to become soldiers. I'm also pretty sure the military don't want to have to wet nurse conscripts as they tend to be unreliable and poor fighters.

There is also the issue the ExUSSR countries have faced with large numbers of well trained ex soldiers and nothing legitimate to do. Training individuals with antisocial tendencies to use PE4 and firearms can have it's drawbacks.
Rich :)
Good to see some sense in this thread.

Bring back national service is the typical kneejerk reaction in situations like these, we see the same thing in Holland.

So I guess you people want well trained rioters that know how to shoot straight? Well, good luck with that.

A lack of national service is probably the least important factor in why people act the way they do. Those rioters that come from low income/high crime areas, well it's easy to understand why they do what they do, so let's not waste cyberspace on that.
As far as understanding why the middle class youths joined in the "fun" goes, have a look at what has changed in society, as far as the nuclear family is concerned.
It used to be that mom stayed at home and dad brought home the bacon. This is no longer the case. Most families that are now considered to be middle class, are double income families. This means that the young'uns do a lot of their groing up with mom and dad off to work, or both of them at home, tired. In order to keep the kids, who obviously want attention, out of their hair, they buy them things like playstations and whatnot. These then take the place of parental attention.
In an ideal world one parent would bring home the bacon, one parent would be at home when the kids are. Things have changed for many of us, with predictable (with hindsight) results.