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mugging ettiquette?


Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2001
Griffin, GA, USA
CJohns...go to tha back of tha mod class...

Originally posted by TJ Lambini
I think tha idea is that if more interesting tourney-based threds start going on tourney, then tha site traffic won't focus in here quite so much..doh!

Thanks TJ for that insight. Not sure if I agree that this is a tourney thread, but there is no need to start Mod wars up in dis piece;) And since I am no longer the Mod on Tournies, I will leave it be;)


Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2001
Griffin, GA, USA
Y'all are trapped in the past

Originally posted by Baca Loco
But I won't retaliate for Mods screwing with my thread. I understand it's just that you fear change and cling with desperation to you're power.:rolleyes: One would have thought however a little more respect amongst the brotherhood of Mods might have existed.:(

PS--This is a magic thread, boy and girls. it keeps moving around the forums. Where will it appear next?
Meant no disrespect my fellow mod brother, just trying to keep the board straight and have a lil' fun.



Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2001
Griffin, GA, USA
See John's what?

Originally posted by Baca Loco
You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar--and if that isn't sufficiently insulting I'll see what I can do.:D :D
Just consider me the resident bull in a china shop.
See John's wishing he was in A-dam right now!!!!! Yes Moo, I am something, but not anything near a gentleman or a scholar. I am just a good ole Georgia boy stuck in the U.K. for another year. That about sums it up;)


Imature member
Originally posted by Paul_collier
Repete as for aiming for heads on a mug :rolleyes: not playing with you f*ckers!!!!!
I'm afraid to say Paul that this action is purely based on experience with players turning and shooting back. I'm not a sadist trying to hurt people. And while we wear protection for our faces and often protection for your knees and our sensitive bits, if you're worried about copping a nasty shot to the noggin, than wear a hat.

Now Paintball is an extremely safe sport. Compare this to rugby or football at a professional level where players DELIBERATELY try to injure each other to take them out of the game...

When people stop turning and trying to push it with the refs, then I'll aim somewhere else...


Platinum Member
Jul 8, 2001
New Zealand
As much as I hate to agree with RePete ... aim for something hard. Now if you've got the drop on someone, the put them into the space between the shoulder blades .... if not, then the gogg's are the best place.

As for seeing someone coming in on you ... pull the trigger until the hand goes up in the air. In terms of the games I've played or ref'd I see more people keep running and finish the mug, then players who spin and "mutual" someone. :rolleyes:



Jul 10, 2001
Visit site
Alien--players turn because it's been demonstrated time and again to be worth the risk as the vast majority of the time both players are pulled and by doing it you have just prevented the other team from taking control of your place on the field and by reducing their numbers the same as they reduced yours. Until refs are prepared to 1-4-1 blatant infractions it'll keep happening and to add further complications the turning player usually claims not to "know" whether paint broke on his back or not so he's gonna keep playing until a ref pulls his armband. That's why players get shot in the head.
Why do players keep blaming the refs for their own faults. Its the players responsability not to break the rules. the refs are there to enforce the rules if they get broken.
I agree that the refs should get tougher on incidents of turning and playing on, byt players should also play better and fairer while still being inside of the rules. Remember if the refs all stay at home, we don't get to play tournaments:eek:

I'm afraid to say Paul that this action is purely based on experience with players turning and shooting back. I'm not a sadist trying to hurt people. And while we wear protection for our faces and often protection for your knees and our sensitive bits, if you're worried about copping a nasty shot to the noggin, than wear a hat.

When people stop turning and trying to push it with the refs, then I'll aim somewhere else...
Do you do this to teams you have experience with or do you tar everyone with the same brush?

If you mugged me and put two into my head from close distance (and i do wear a hat) when you could just of easily put them in my back, i'm afraid i would have to have "words" with you off the field:p

I'm all for playing fast aggressive style ball but there are limits.


Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Alien, you are frfom another planet:D :D

Originally posted by Alien
Why do players keep blaming the refs for their own faults. Its the players responsability not to break the rules. the refs are there to enforce the rules if they get broken.

Do you do this to teams you have experience with or do you tar everyone with the same brush?

If you mugged me and put two into my head from close distance (and i do wear a hat) when you could just of easily put them in my back, i'm afraid i would have to have "words" with you off the field:p

I'm all for playing fast aggressive style ball but there are limits.
The way players play is, in part, a response to the way marshals call the game. So hosing down the running mugger and two in the neck of the muggee are just ways that players can try to control a potentially disputable situation. At this stage every experienced player knows the mugger is making his run, no ifs, ands or buts unless you make him stop and same experience says given half a chance the muggee is gonna turn.

I don't really see this particular situation as a big deal.

Re: your question for RePete my answer would be yes unless the other guys are clearly outclassed and losing guys left and right. Dumbest thing you can do is walk on the field and not give the other team the respect of intending to give them your best. We don't specifically teach our guys to go for head shots but I absolutely insist they keep shooting the running mugger until a hand goes up.

And if you wanted words with me or one of the guys after the game I'd be happy to apologize but I wouldn't promise that it wouldn't happen again. And the words wouldn't escalate to "words.":)

PS--players complain about everything usually in direct proportion to the outcome of the game:)


Imature member
Originally posted by Paul_collier
...do you guys really get that many bounces from close range?
A few years back when All Star came out we gave that a go. Walking the fields afterwards all you could see littering the ground was our green All Star. The stuff would bounce off of wodden barricades hitting at right angles from a couple of metres away. Bounces happen...

Besides. Worry not. With my aim I'd hit my foot before I hit your head...