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mugging ettiquette?


Veni Vidi Vici
Jul 27, 2001
Cheshire, England
Hmmmm. In the case of the mugeee. Being gentle on the poor sap running towards me does not come across my mind. However I'm not a big fan of the "couple of shots to the goggles", I agree with the concept, but just don't like it. So for me it has to be let rip with as many balls as it takes to stop them in their tracks.

In the case of the mugger, just aim low. A couple of shots to the pack would suffice, but a couple to the arse is quite rewarding as you watch them squirm with pain and let out a little yelp!. *cue evil laugh* Mwuha ha ha ha!


Active Member
Feb 27, 2002
Manchester, UK
I agree in principle with a few shots to the pack.. but I have seen occassions when marshalling, a player, from a team who always call themselves out , didn't as he hadn't felt the shots on his pack.. he returned fire, but as the feild ultimate was next to the guys the mugger was wiped down as the ultimate had seen the muggee be clearly shot first.....

I know from experience that being mugged is not nice but, if you are being mugged it is usually because you are not paying attention, so take what you get ..

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Y'all are trapped in the past

But I won't retaliate for Mods screwing with my thread. I understand it's just that you fear change and cling with desperation to you're power.:rolleyes: One would have thought however a little more respect amongst the brotherhood of Mods might have existed.:(
As to the question at hand all I can say is don't have any exposed skin showing. Last thing you're thinking about after a couple in the neck is turning to shoot back. Girlie-men:D
And to answer Bud's (BTW, Bud you used to be number 1 in my book, now you're number 2) reverse question you shoot 'em till they stop coming and put their dam hand in the air.

PS--This is a magic thread, boy and girls. it keeps moving around the forums. Where will it appear next?


SO hot right now
Aug 8, 2001
Shooting up their pack is cool if theres a marshal close by but usually you have to gog em or go for skin because the chances are youll get shot in the back.....I had personal experience of this in Portugal, kinda pisses you off when the judge wipes the guy down cos he didnt see what happened! I had ample opportunity to aim for the head or neck but as he had his back to me, presumed he wouldnt spin, WRONG! Never, ever again will I show anybody mercy:mad::mad:cos they just screw you over!!

oh and you can also be sure that while their lighting you up theyll be yelling "judge I shot him first, I shot him first god damn it"

Glad to get that off my chest, peace and calm peace and calm peace and calm....

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Y'all are trapped in the past

Originally posted by Baca Loco
But I won't retaliate for Mods screwing with my thread. I understand it's just that you fear change and cling with desperation to you're power.:rolleyes: One would have thought however a little more respect amongst the brotherhood of Mods might have existed.:(
As to the question at hand all I can say is don't have any exposed skin showing. Last thing you're thinking about after a couple in the neck is turning to shoot back. Girlie-men:D
And to answer Bud's (BTW, Bud you used to be number 1 in my book, now you're number 2) reverse question you shoot 'em till they stop coming and put their dam hand in the air.

PS--This is a magic thread, boy and girls. it keeps moving around the forums. Where will it appear next?

I was only trying to be helpful. No powertripping on my side....
Who's numbero uno now? Somebody's who's initials happen to be BL? :D Thanks for the compliment anyway.

Nice to see a lot of people feel the same way as I do when they are the muggee. Strange though, that when being mugged you can basically blow the crap out of people, and when doing the mugging you have to be all nice and things.

Alex Hicks.

Just your average lunatic
Jul 14, 2001
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Opposite happens too. Last event I played both me and another player on my team lit a guy up before he mugged me, but he still continued with the mug and as the marshal was too far away it got called mutual cus he didn't see it.


New Member
Mar 18, 2002
Reading UK
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Yeah, with the new fashion of pushing everything (especially the rules) to the limit. It has come to the point where your only polite if the marshal is watching , If not two to the head. Since you can't garuntee that the person you are mugging is honest.