New rules once again...
Do we really need a new set of rules before (well, almost) each Millennium Event?
Is it that hard to make changelogs to the rules? I am one of the guys who translate the Millennium rules into Spanish for better understanding of the few Spanish players and it is a real pain in the a$$ to proofread the whole book every four weeks...
Now, onto Steve's points:
A.- Agreed. If you're cold wear a sweater to the field and put it after the game. It's not like we're still playing one-hour long games, is it?
B.- Absolutely agreed. One shot, any shot, over 300 and you're out. I still have not made my mind about what should be done with shots over 311 before the game starts, but I guess they should be punished harder as they are during the game.
C.- Hard one. I guess the player should still be on game if there is no visible hit. As Nick put it, balls bounce and sometimes it is hard to tell when a ball has broken on the player and when on the bunker (if the ref is not close enough).
D.- Right. In a perfect world I should be able to turn my COPs/eye off... but.
E.- I have yet to see a radio in use by the refs in a Millennium Event (apart the one used by the Head Judge to talk to the Organization). I don't really see the point of this rule, in fact.
F.- Maybe I'm the only one who reads the rules like this but:
If I discover that I'm hit, I'm still in play until I call myself out. That can be done by saying "out", putting my barrel condom, throwing my armband...(rule 27.7 of rulebook version 1.1 and first note to rule 36.1, same rulebook) So I could get a hit, shout "out" and get off the field. However, if the reff pulls my armband then I'm out and I cannot say anything at all or I will be playing-on.
Since I'm such a newbie I can very well be mistaken