Look if you'd all just agree
Originally posted by goose
1--This does not help the sport - anymore then sandbagging does - I don't have the 100% foolproof answer, maybe there should be forced promotions/demotions (actually I don't see why a team should be forced to go down - if they enjoy getting their asses kicked week in and week out who are we to judge them)
1A--but the promotions should be based on what players are on the team - not by team name and past perfomance of different players.
2--Baca the problem is entry fee is not equal and sponsorship is not necessarily better at the next level. There are some amateur teams out there with a hell of a lot better sponsorship deal than some pro teams - but maybe if they where forced to move up and not be so successful then some of this "cash & product" would dissapear.
2--I think that the Millennium series and NPPL/PSP/whatever for that matter should be looking to change the way that tournaments are organized. Keep the big 5 tournaments for the top 50 teams who have shown that they cut it - day in and day out - and run smaller regional tournaments for the others, offering the same quality but at on a smaller scale. The larger tournaments would be 1 classification.
3--This is how all other sports are run - baseball, football, soccer, basketball etc. etc. - why should we be any different. You don't see the New York Yankees playing the Team from Joe's garage do you?
4--and it may sound like I am just a "dirty rotten elitist pro ... But when it all comes down to it in the average Millennium tournament 1st place novice is, what, #74 out of 100 teams. I know this sounds cruel - but thems be the facts - if you want prizes go to novice only tournaments - if you want to play against the best, by all means keep coming to the MS events - just don't complain about not getting any prizes for coming in #74. Use the event as a learning tool, a lot of novice teams don't get the chance to see so much talent in one place at one time - use it for some good.
4A--But do true novice teams actually learn anything when they get run over by an Avalanche - not really - a lot of the times things happens so quick they don't know what hit them. I personally think that Millennium series sanctioned regional tournaments would be better - especially if the entry fee where less
5--The reason why I use Danish basketball (sorry should have explained it before) was because unlike Premiere League football - Danish Basketball is severly screwed up. There are a handfull of paid players - the rest all pay to play. They play it seriously enough but not anywhere near the level it could be/should be. They all find it more fun to play, than practice necessary skills to get better. And it is something that is not taken seriously by the media & therefore there is no money in it.
So I think we can agree that paintball is closer to the pathetic basketball situation here than it is to the Premiere League

6--T.J. every professional sport has it's doormats - just ask the New Jersey Nets (that is until this year). The wonderful thing about true pro sports is that, as long as there is enough funding you can try to pretend and maybe even make a turnaround - again see New Jersey Nets.
6A--If this game of ours continues to grow in the manner it is now - I can eventually see it becoming such that, teams without the big bankroll can't compete, and by natural selection/survival of the fitest, will die a slow (perhaps quick) death.
with me what a wonderful world this would be.

(To paraphrase Satchmo)
1--then why doesn't the obverse pertain? If a team enjoys kicking ass week in and week out who are we to judge them? And yet you do, don't you? And for the same reason you are concerned about ranking players and placing teams in appropriate divisions but it works both ways! You can't justify a Pro level or an Am level if the majority of the teams participating clearly don't belong.
1A--we aren't gonna agree on this one so I'll let it go. BTDT
2--not a chance in hell given the current tourney format as you artificially--far as they're concerned--limit their economic opportunity.
3--quite right but this too is a fundamental of the current structure and change needs to begin somewhere and in such a manner that it proves to be a positive for as many of the participants, players, teams, organizers, industry, etc. as possible.
4--you are a dirty rotten elitist pro and you are wrong. You elevate every Am team and relegate every Nov team in your own mind on basis of classification and still claim that "sandbagging" is some sort of issue. You can't, in intellectual fairness, have it both ways. There are Nov teams that everyone knows are better than a substantial number of the Ams and vice versa. So that "argument" is a tired old chestnut.
4A--you are also still hung up on Novice as a category for beginners only which it isn't--it may be but it need not be. There is a difference.
Track the scores at Chicago this weekend and see how some of the Novs do against the Ams and Pros. If a Nov wins against an Am or a Pro are they by your definition automatically a sandbagger? I can name four Nov teams that beat Pros in Vegas and none of them have been playing NPPL Nov for even 2 years.
You, and a lot of others, need to rethink what makes a Novice team Novice particularly in context of the Mil Series or NPPL.
Nor did I say entry fees should be less--I said they should the same. As it stands now you are paying for the privilege of moving up a level but who says you earned it? If anyone who can pay Pro can play Pro what does that prove? Nada.
5--that seems to me to be a great argument for CHANGE! And while it may be closer to one now it needn't stay that way.
6--but first you have to be taken seriously--among other things--and the debate over what will ultimately (should it happen at all) make a true professional sport out of paintball is a different debate. But everyone seems to agree that the status quo won't cut it so the question is--what to do?
I am simply suggesting a good jumping off place is to cleanly and in an organized and consistent manner differentiate between the divisions and restrict the "pro" ranks sufficiently to assure level of quality of play.
6A--not unless and until it changes. For starters you won't ever see real Pro paintball until the money comes from someplace other than the players.