... actually I am neither promoter nor organizer - just a concerned citizen.
All everyone on here is thinking about is themselves not the good of the game. Sure Team ABC is tired of the Rushers picking up all the hardware - so that means they must move up right. Who cares if they lose players in the off season and they get trashed up in pro and then need to drop down - it doens't hurt the rest of us right? Wrong. I have seen something like this tried her in Denmark, in a set-up that can be better equated with paintball than premiere league football. Danish basketball used to have the same relegation/delegation system - the top 2 and bottom 2 swapped divisions. This led to teams having to pay higher fees for the right to play and when their players where poached by other teams with more money the teams dropped back out after 1 year.
Why was this bad? It was bad for a number of reasons
1) the player(s) who left, most of the time had been with that club for a while, had been trained by their money and only because their is no transfer system in DK the club would then end up with nothing when the player left.
2) The team more times than not would then begin a slow decline and end up dropping another level because nobody wanted to play for team that had lost it's best players and was, for all appearance sake on the decline.
3) Time/money and energy where lost and many of backbone players - not the stars - ended up giving up the game. That's just what we need - players stopping.
I have never been against teams - WHO RETAIN THE CORE PLAYERS LEVEL - being forced to move up. I am not talking about a team losing 1 or 2 players - I hope that they should not depend on only 2 people - but if for some reason, the team get's trashed by multiple exits then there should be some kind of appeal/evaluation process that they can go through if they feel they should stay at that level. Also if a team happens to lose 2 players but gain 2 of equal playing skill/value then of course they should stay in the higher division.
The one last thing that people fail to take into consideration is: what about game throwing?? Example:
Team A has had a good season but doesn't really want to move up - so they start throwing some games so they don't finish as high. Sound unlikely? maybe but if that is the only way for them to stay down it will happen.
Example 2: Team A and B are tied for 4th place going into the last tournament - the relegation number is the top 4 move up - and the last game in the finals is the game that decides who goes & who stays. If one team wants to stay down - even if they are the better team at the time, they might throw the game to ensure they stay down.
This topic is a very good one, and there are many side to each argument, but the key thing that people have to remember is that people when forced to do something they don't really want to - will find many ways to avoid it. This cannot possibly good for the sport.
Baca - I actually don't have to choose between players & teams. If you read my wonderful system idea

- you will see that the team is seeded based on the sum of it's parts, this being the players skill level. Bonus points could also be awarded based on how long the core players have been together - this taking into the team chemistry side of things.
Also this kind of set-up could easily negate "disivion hopping" if the points are worked out so that almost any kind of downward transfer would automatically bring the team level up.
The best solution is - no prizes for anyone but pro's - then people will have to step up if they want the goodies. After all is said and done it's not like the prizes are all that great anyway - we should be playing for pride and bragging rights.