Originally posted by Nick Brockdorff
Well Pete - just because you disagree with me, does not necessarily mean I am wrong - it just means we disagree on the issue...... you have been known to be wrong on occasion (I know, it hurts to think about - but it happens )
- and, from the indications I have received so far, a big percentage of Div. 1 teams agree with me...... so when does it stop being "selfish", and start being a majority concensous?
BTW - I am a bit curious as to how "everyone" should lose, by Div. 1 playing a lighter version of M7? - what exactly do we stand to lose - that we retain by playing 7-man?
(seriously - I am curious as to the rationale here??)
In one day, the following teams playing MS Div. 1, have said they want to play M7 (or a version thereof with lower paint consumption):
Campaign Jaguars
Just Manchester
And the ones that said (e-mail or in forums) they prefered 7-man were:
Ugly Ducklings
You may ofcourse think that all the teams that have yet to reply are in favour on 7-man - and you may be right... it may be a "no need to reply, we got what we wanted" kind of thing...... but at least I think the Div. 1 teams deserve to be heard on the issue.
Another question is, if you truly think you know better what is best for the Div. 1 teams than they themselves do? - Maybe you are just trying to show us all some tough paternal love - and get us back on the straight and narrow - in which case I really appreciate the effort, but respectfully decline
Since you seem to premise your post with announcing I have made mistakes, presumably relating to paintball matters and this somehow undermining my present position, I will challenge you to go find one of these mistakes that has any significant bearing on this and for every mistake you find (none that I can think of), I can go get a few of yours where we know you assume ridiculous positions for your own ends...remember ?
I do, they are at my fingertips.
Now, instead of highlighting mistakes you 'think' I have made, I would rather be respected for the ones I have got right and the experience I have in paintball to legitimise any opinion I might have on this subject......
Now let's move past this ridiculous position
And please don't play the solidarity card for yourself and the exclusion card for me with Div 1 teams Nick in proclaiming,
Another question is, if you truly think you know better what is best for the Div. 1 teams than they themselves do? - Maybe you are just trying to show us all some tough paternal love - and get us back on the straight and narrow - in which case I really appreciate the effort, but respectfully decline
I find that stance ridiculous, you'd drop playing in Div 1 in a heartbeat and there is nothing that precludes me from commenting on Div1 whatsoever, what a pathetic point you make on this, I find that kinda insulting really in that you think I can only legitimately comment on pros.
As for this :-
- and, from the indications I have received so far, a big percentage of Div. 1 teams agree with me...... so when does it stop being "selfish", and start being a majority consensus?
So basically, you haven't got a majority yet?????
Oh, but when you do, great, fantastic, but that was never my point.
If you went to the UK nation and declared the next vote is gonna be for zero tax...do you think there would be a majority vote to accept the proposal?
Of course there would....get the picture as to what happens next ?
The whole point here is not the corner you keep maneuvering this into but for the reasons already mentioned.
My rationale as to why everybody COULD (not should, don't misquote me, I said 'MAY') lose is quite simple as I and TJ have already said.
Div 1 votes and gets a consensus, now Div 2 does the same on the back of that precedent and then the whole league goes M7.
The format is then extended to all divs and as the year unfolds it is found to be unworkable for many different reasons that are at present untested. XBall has already shown us there is a significant fall out even after the first event.
And so, what might we get from indulging you?
We get a cascade of divs following your precedent and potentially compromising the integrity of the league...just because you want your own way and you ain't in the pro league no more.
And this next point takes little expansion but I am sure you will pick up on it, the Millennium guys have to be very mindful during any transition period or format change of other leagues and their intentions........
Come on Nick, I respect why you want to play M7 but it isn't appropriate at this stage with all things considered.