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MIDLANDS MASTERS 2002 - feedback


Jul 7, 2001
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Play off's are fun. More incentive to win if you may get a coupla extra games at the end of the day....

As for the air, I'm all for paying a bit extra for the air, but not if it's more than it'd cost to fill at the local dive shop. How about asking teams if they want to use the air for a small extra fee on top of their entry fee's and then issue them with an "Air Pass" to use on the day. If you aint got one you don't get air. Simple!



Crispy Fried
Jul 7, 2001
North Wales
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Sounds a good idea to me. If people don't want to pay £1 a fill, they can take a tank to fill from. I would rather pay, than carry my scuba tank around!;)

The more Sup-air the better. I know that it's not always possible, in which case, concept if we must. However, I really do believe it's time to loose woodland from the tournament scene.

Limited paint.
Just a hopper or hopper and a pot each or hopper each with three pots for capt. to hand out? To be honest, I don't care either way. But don't make all the events limited, keep it to every other with unlimited.:D

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" The format works really well as it is, players are very happy with the number of games they get. Play-offs seems a pointless waist of money if they ain't going to give any series points. Lets be honest, it would drag the day out, less players would hang around for the presentations, and as you now have so many people traveling vast distances for your events, it's good that they don't drag on and on into semi darkness like some other events do!

I don't see a problem with the way it is at the moment? I trust you and your crew. :) If you think it needs refining, I would have no problem.

OK, I have tried to come up with something that you can do, that would actualy improve your events. I think we all know where this is going. I have taken to tantric meditation to control my bowel and bladder, rather than use the toilets from hell.:eek: At the last one, just Cooks' description of them was making me heave.:(


Jul 7, 2001
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So what's the air situation for Uttoxeter?? is it BYO, or have you got a compressor sorted? Would be nice not to have to lug a load of dive tanks around.....


Phil Warr

New Member
Sep 28, 2001

Ok guy's
From the feedback it is clear that teams do want air on site but the cost is going to be a factor.
The guy's who supply the air have set a figure on how much they will want to make on the day and this is how the cost of fills was got at.
We have decided that further discussions are required and so air will NOT be available for the next leg but hopefully we can come up with a happy medium and have an air supply at the future legs.
So sorry guy's you'll need to BYO for Uttoxeter but watch this space for more info in the future.


"I'm at the front"
Midlands Masters feedback

Just my opinion on the midlands masters "total quality" if the guys who organise this came along and shat in my pocket, I for one could still not say a bad word about this series.
Sites... top, marshalling... top, atmosphere... top...
The attitude of some players could be more condusive to a fun, well run event (apparently this is a game).
I do however agree with 'cappy' I think limited should be left the way it was, at a hopper, only because it seems to put a greater handicap on the more experienced paint chucking teams making things seem a little more even when they play against those teams not sponsored up to the arse crack...

Mother Superior
"it's a stag do thing"

Al Woods

GFH Trouble Maker
Jul 7, 2001
Your 30
Top bunch

It seems you guys really want the MM series to expand into a sizeable and exciting series of events, kinda raising the profile of the UK tourney scene which is what this country has been crying out for, for quite some time now.

We've only played one, the Marchbrook masters event, which rocked bells, even though we had a pretty crap day of play. The layout was tidy, the day flowed real easy and the overall atmosphere was aweseome. If you can expand to steady 7 man formats (5 man is a bit restrictive at times) and supply a few base needs, air is a really good start if the price is right, this will make the events feel a lot more important which most teams really need to feel apart of, especially those that want to play top level ball but can't quite afford to travel abroad yet. This would then help raise the quality of UK 'ballers.

Great job dudes. ;)

Phil Warr

New Member
Sep 28, 2001

Thanks for all the response. What has been said has given us at the Midlands Masters a lot of food for thought. As always we are looking at ways to improve on what we've got and it is important to know what you the teams want.
There is one point I want to go into a little more and that is the issue of 5-man vs 7-man events. Up untill now we have always run 5-man events for a number of reasons. Firstly, especially for new teams out there it can be hard to put together enough players to play 7-man and this intern makes the MM a good stepping stone for them to get into tournie ball. There are also a lot of teams out there who enjoy and want to play 5-man instead of 7-man events.
Of course by making the MM 7-man could of more benifit to those teams who are looking to play and train for the larger international events and thus could be benifial to Uk teams on the international stage.
What are you views on this issue. Do you want to see the MM expand into a 7-man event or do you wish to continue playing the 5-man format. Of course nothing will change for this years events, but we do want your input on this issue.