markfenton said:
Shall we just look ahead now..
Nothing can change the past, but the past can change the future so hopefully the next 2 legs will be spot on
Mark, you are missing the whole point of these boards in saying that...these boards give everybody an opportunity to voice their opinion regarding an event of this nature.
It's not down to you (or anybody else for that matter) to call any sort of halt to what's being written here.
The average player doesn't get an opportunity to moan or make observations to the 'powers that be' and these forums, and in particular, give the average person an extremely powerful and effective voice that WILL be listened to.
Everybody knows the board will read these posts...and they do, trust me.
And again, we all know we have to look forward but we also have to address the shortcomings of the past and to do that effectively we have to have a comprehensive input as to what went down and what pis$ed people off.
This will run its course in its own time and it's the people who were disaffected who determine the extension of this thread and not some idealistic call to 'look to the future'.
Let's find out all that went wrong, why people were pissed off and then we can begin to put things right but I think the biggest problem is being addressed anyway.
Mark, people have every right to vent as much as they want, after all they paid good money for a bad product !