My name is Heidi
You may think that being a marshal would be a fare one with so many players telling you yhe rules that you have spent the last few days swatting up on .
I was on that so called draxus field the female with pink and blonde long hair and i have never witnessed such a flagrent disregard for the first rule of paintbal A LITTLE RESPECT !
I have never marshaled at a torni before and quite frankly i have thrown out of a pub better mannered drunks!
I bothered to turn up because all you fare and amazing marshals cant be bothered.
I do understand that being a player as i have been too! know the tradition of basically blaming the marshals after every tori, but if you will insist on pushing the rule and lets face it guys some times bragging about it why do you then expect us yo go easy on you .
As for fag breaks well being a smoker also!!!!! i had the gran sum of 2 fag breaks one in the morning and one in the afternoon a 15 min lunch break and my God you dont wanna sneek to the loo heaven forbid we hold up your game!
You spend time sitting down having fags whist playing around with your markers and watching other games whilst off field marshaling and drinking your cold drink and eating your pipping hot bacon sarni whilst gobbing out how to instruct us on how to our job!
It was my first time there and the other guys were really kind to me, yes mistakes can be made and im sure that i will improve as a marshall as all of us will, cause there are a lot of us newbies tring to do a fare job i called every decision with the rules in my pocket firm but fare. How many of you had the rule so close to hand?
I can not anwer as to why we were dammed as the worse field but im know that i did the very best i could as im sure all did in the heat of the day, we may not have ran around feverishly after your every beck and call,but i also know the trick of moving marshalls down the other end of the field to reduce close scutiany from the advancing players end of the field.So it not all us is it?
We did the best we could with what we had, A little respect goes a long way. The UK marshalls,Tigers,monkeylove and 2 other teams i can't remember the name of were lovely and really nice thanks again guys.
My name is Heidi
You may think that being a marshal would be a fare one with so many players telling you yhe rules that you have spent the last few days swatting up on .
I was on that so called draxus field the female with pink and blonde long hair and i have never witnessed such a flagrent disregard for the first rule of paintbal A LITTLE RESPECT !
I have never marshaled at a torni before and quite frankly i have thrown out of a pub better mannered drunks!
I bothered to turn up because all you fare and amazing marshals cant be bothered.
I do understand that being a player as i have been too! know the tradition of basically blaming the marshals after every tori, but if you will insist on pushing the rule and lets face it guys some times bragging about it why do you then expect us yo go easy on you .
As for fag breaks well being a smoker also!!!!! i had the gran sum of 2 fag breaks one in the morning and one in the afternoon a 15 min lunch break and my God you dont wanna sneek to the loo heaven forbid we hold up your game!
You spend time sitting down having fags whist playing around with your markers and watching other games whilst off field marshaling and drinking your cold drink and eating your pipping hot bacon sarni whilst gobbing out how to instruct us on how to our job!
It was my first time there and the other guys were really kind to me, yes mistakes can be made and im sure that i will improve as a marshall as all of us will, cause there are a lot of us newbies tring to do a fare job i called every decision with the rules in my pocket firm but fare. How many of you had the rule so close to hand?
I can not anwer as to why we were dammed as the worse field but im know that i did the very best i could as im sure all did in the heat of the day, we may not have ran around feverishly after your every beck and call,but i also know the trick of moving marshalls down the other end of the field to reduce close scutiany from the advancing players end of the field.So it not all us is it?
We did the best we could with what we had, A little respect goes a long way. The UK marshalls,Tigers,monkeylove and 2 other teams i can't remember the name of were lovely and really nice thanks again guys.