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M25 Marshal (2Bornot2B that is the ?)


Active Member
Originally posted by Rich
Stu, you must be perfect 13 years and all that experience. But only one pair of eyes.
The mugger took the rear right corner and was found to have been eliminated. So the rear rigt corner was put back in, no problem with that. The fact that the lay down can and the rear right corner were eliminated by myself and another player who was with me in the snake is where the problem lies, as these were eliminated during all the confusion in the corner. This was confirmed by Paul and Warren from the Tigers as fact. This was the error and is now in the past, so dont give me crap about how long, where and what you have been doing as that does f**k all for me.
Not intended to impress, just to show im not ignorent or anything. (And i'd never claim to be perfect have you seen me play :) If you read my post you'll see it was not ME who claimed the mugger took two further players out, but I'm not going to come on here and speek for others ! Only saying what I was told. Irrespective of who took them out the call was for a 1-4-1 for the origonal playing on, that call reversed the game, that desision was made by the field ultimate, I can only explain MY role in the situation, if we are even talking about the same one !

I expect this is not your first ever bad call and won't be your last ! I know I try not to make bad calls but when the situation is spread over 1/4 of the field chances are my part in it may not be the overiding factor and I'm not saying I havn't made bad calls either. So that you fell agreeved is understandable, but as you say is all in the past, and all we can do (As a team) is learn from the experance but as long as players play on etc these 'confusing' situations will always occur !!


MK Storm
Apr 12, 2002
I marshalled on the RPS field, it was my and three others first ever tourny marshalling experience, but we have played quite a lot and site marshalled for many years, overall I think we did very well, their were bad calls made, for this I can only apologise but these things happen. Thanks to the field ultimate leon who was a great help and very supportive.

Any particular reason why you have chosen to create a new sign in name to post something that is hugely damaging to a players reputation? Not man enough for your opinions to be seen to come from yourself? personal;ly i find it very hard to trust someone who finds it neccessary to hide behind an alias, and not take responsibility for what they say.....
maybe he wanted to remain anonymous because of possible repurcussions to him and his team, like f@cking them over at campaign as a player on your team threatened us with, very professional attitude guys. :( .


Smakin your Bitch up
Aug 22, 2001

I was in (sadly) the dead box already and the mugger who ran from the fifty was shot by flash who was in the middle back contiuned to run to the back corner, mugged the back corner and then shot flash in the middle and then shot warren in the lay down.

The result and decision is sound


New Member
Oct 30, 2001
Romford ,Essex
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((Everyone is giving them the excuse that it was hot. Well Toulouse last year was between 90 and 100 degrees and we judged for three days, judged over 130 games and gave it our all. We did not think to say to Dynasty and Russian Legion late on the second day that we were tired, hot and we all make mistakes. ))

Get back in your pram you baby, God no wonder no one wants to do this job, the crap youve given a first timmer well im wise to your game now. As for well paid well why dont you just shutup by the time ive paid for the days travel fee and left two kid with respective father and insted of being with them im putting up with bol***ks im lucky to walk away with 20 quid HOW DARE YOU.
You think you are so up on everything you lost get over it.
As for moanong about the heat. i dont recal that i stopped or moaned that i could not do my job you may have marshaled France but i dont really give 2 craps it was hot and we did bloodly well thankyou very much.
If you cannot play a game with out trying to lamp somone trying to itimidate people for being honest then it is you that are to blame, as for your pathetic attempt at bullying and snipping unconstructive nonsance twaddle that you call advice STICK IT.
If you had anything decent to say perhaps a marshal would listern to you but as you do not try thinking first!
Next time guys you had beter be whiter than white
old proverb: a cheater never belives that no one else cheats


Active Member

Originally posted by sykesg
I was in (sadly) the dead box already and the mugger who ran from the fifty was shot by flash who was in the middle back contiuned to run to the back corner, mugged the back corner and then shot flash in the middle and then shot warren in the lay down.

The result and decision is sound
Funy is't it that the team the decision was agiainst has a completely different description of events !!!
Thanks for the support and lets look forward to the day such decisions are'nt necesery.

Hold on, there's someone at the door in a white coat...............


New Member
Apr 3, 2003
Sussex, England
After reading this lot, no wonder Tournament paintball has that cliched image to Rec-ballers that Tournament players all cheat, you give them enough evidence!:)

As an impartial viewer, I think marshalling is a tough job and good or bad calls are given in the heat of the moment, which is not an excuse for the bad ones, just mitigating circumstances.

The bigger issue is players who think they can bend or blatently break rules! Just remember this:

Treat others as you yourself would expect to be treated.

If you cheat,dont be amazed when it happens against you and more importantly dont blame someone else for your misfortune/bad luck/bad attitude.

Get a grip and play fair for the sake of the sport.

No one willing to Marshall = No event, then where you going to play?:(


New Member
Oct 30, 2001
Romford ,Essex
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sam its heidi

Sorry had a major rant !
i was very hurt about the comments being made about the Draxus field it was Bloodly hot and im a big lass i never stoped and minged once my fan broke twice and basicaly i striped down to shorts and t-shirt (not wise i'll grant ) but we did turn up much to everyones dismay and i'm sorry that you thought the same too!
when faced with the music would you run and hide or face it head on well?.... i belive that if you think i was so poo please could you imform me as to the correct way to marshal as i belive that you are experiance in such things, i do not mean this is a nasty way nor do i wish for snipping advice i wish to know honestly, Good advice is always helpful.
However i do belive that we worked real hard to make a team of a lot of odds and bods we did bloodly well.Thankyou very much:D :D :D


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Hmmm, well if a large amount of players are prepared to cheat in a game, how can the Marshals be criticized too much, if they've got to watch for: Wiping, playing on, allen keys on field, brow beating refs, shooting from the dead zone etc what do we as players expect???

People like MikeyR hit the nail on the head, if we as players are going to show no respect for the rules of the game, our team mates or opponents, why should we expect our marshals to be motivated and accurate 100% of the time?

Unless your whiter than white, or holier than thou, please don't criticise the marshals for showing out and letting us play.

I mean you break new ground when a player who has marshaled before will browbeat, intimidate, cajole, confuse, (delete as you fill applicable), less experienced marshals. I mean you slide into a bunker too hard it lifts up, you get "betokened", your armbands pulled; but because it's only a "Millennium Practice" game, you tell the Marshal "Millennium rules state that if shot out when a bunker lifts, you get wiped down and put back in!", the marshal subsequently puts you back in......that's "Sporting behavior" of the highest order isn't it? I mean who'd wanna pull that in a "practice game"? At least with wiping some people have turned it into an art form, get caught and the penalties severe (I'm not advocating it, but hey your team mates get pulled too if you do it).

Is it any wonder that in the heat of the moment the Marshals are confused / make incorrect calls? I'd imagine most of the guys & girl out there reff'ing were trying to do there best and act in a fair & considered manner before pulling anyone. Only in fantasy La La land will they be able to recite the handbook backwards in their sleep in a nano-second (although I bet they would try). Ok so cheating and it's penalties is covered lets start taking advantage of peoples nature as well now.

Out of the 40 odd teams out there on Sunday, only a handful can afford to play or be sponsored through a full Millennium series (no disrespect to those guys at all, best of luck to the guys in Ecstasy, Tigers, Storm etc), so this is our only chance of frequent 7 man sup air games. Be a crying shame for Paintball in the whole South East if the Marshals decide that it's not worth the abuse anymore.........