NOT having read the 'other' thread yet and going ONLY on what has been said in THIS thread, the Shock / Tigers incident sounds familiar so ASSUMING i am describing the right incident this is how it went down...........
Laying down facing 3 players at the 'center' end of the WDP field the game seamed to be going well for that team as they were moving well up the field (NOT whatching the whole game u see !). Seamingly in a position to 'finnish off' a player from my end runs from apx the 50 to mug the back right corner. On route he runs past, unaware of the presence of a player, a laydown 5 m short of the back corner and promptly gets hit on the back left sholder by either that player or his own teams cover fire ! He then continues the 3-4 M and mugs the back right player disapearing from MY sight behind the stand up. I run from my position around the 50 to the corner of the field where this player is STILL shooting, as the marshal in that corner, unaware he is hit on the BACK is pulling the back corner guy he's muged.
OK with that so far ?
I pull the MUGGER, and REPLACE the back corner guy
STILL with me ?
At this point I head back for my area of the field happy I have 'Corrected' the wrong pull and informing the marshal in that corner of the hit BEFORE the mug.
It then transpires from this marshal that the MUGGER had eliminated TWO further players, one from the liedown and one from the back center, who is now insisting HE should also be replaced (Which he should be !).
By now as you can imagine there are players all over, live, dead and dead to be reinserted.
Read the rules, playing on and influencing the game 2-4-1 !!!!!!!
Even though once the situation had been clarified by the field ultimate a 1-4-1 was sufficiant to remove the LAST player therfore awarding an AUTOMATIC flag hang to the other team.
Lets look at this whole thread then.........................
A player plays on, shoots 3 players and its the marshals fault !!!!!
On a more general note, players, when calling for checks, BE AWARE half the time theres already a marshal THERE its just YOU cant see them !!! The number of times I had to tell players to stop calling for checks cos THEY couldt see the marshal was beyond me. I had players screaming for me to drag players out when that HEAD SHOT had bounced of his beanie, playes once hit just sitting there, GET OFF THE F**K**G field, you complain we're not watching the game then expect us to stop what were doing to come and get your arm band !!! I'LL GET IT AT THE END !!!!!
If I'm not moving IT COS I DON'T NEED TO i can see you missed the baracade from where I am let alone get a shot close to the player !!!!
The bottom line is if YOU the PLAYERS got of the field when your hit or we indicate TO YOU your hit, DIDN'T play on, wipe, or actualy hit the player you THINK you hit sudenly you'd find the marshaling was't so bad !!!!!
Just so you know where I'm coming from, Playing 13 years, marshaling at least 10 of that, at tourny level, and trust me none of this is NEW !!!!