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well yet again I do my bit I caught up with clive and just for the record he does not post or read this forum as complete tec fobe
In prinsable he too is up for it.

There you go two sites, I have allso spoken to some other movers and shakers and in princaple it should be a gower we need a few more sites of suitable quality to come forth and stand up and be counted.

Then you the players need to get your walletts out and show us the coluor or your money;)

Then your on:cool:


Nov 25, 2001
Planet Piper away from you freaks!

I have not replied cos I have been waiting to see what people had to say about it. :) :D

When I started the thread I asked for honesty and at the begining I got sarcastic comments. But as my thread has matured with age I am getting the answers I was after!

So I have been looking after me thread! But just not mothering it :D :D


I have not spoken to Clive or your good self cos I wanted too ask the teams if they wanted it. Now it seemd some do. There are others to get hold of in due course. I will try and call you this week, but things are mad at the mo!

Thanks for being honest with me


Phil Warr

New Member
Sep 28, 2001
hey !! it might just happen

Well it looks like the seeds of a tournament series in the South East are maturing.

Sparklie you sound really keen. Even if you have only a few sites willing to take part , there's nothing stopping you holding two legs at each one.

Keep up the good work guys.

If there's anything we at the Midlands Masters can do to help get in touch. midlandsmasters@aol.com

Syd (NSPL)

NSPL and Pr0to KotH
Aug 30, 2001
Torquay, UK
Hi All

I've been reading through this thread with a lot of interest and I thought that it's about time I put my opinions forward.

The UK is crying out for another series in the South East AND the regional tournaments organising themselves around each other so that UK League Finals can be organised at the end of the season.

I bet most teams would love the idea of qualifying into a national league if they perform well enough in their regionals and I know the "Sports Council" definately would.

If we're going to push the sport forward and continue to be pro-active then this is definately the way forward. Maybe Bully, myself, the Master's lads and whoever takes it upon themselves to run a South East league should get together and see what we can organise for 2003 - it's a bit late for 2002.

One point to make about league format. Bully put it very well, but I'd like to add that the league really needs to be overseen by one or two dedicated individuals that don't mind giving up their wives, lives and souls to make sure things run smoothly. Past experience has shown us that it is no good just leaving it up to site owners as standards and attitudes are bound to be different from site to site.

Hope that all makes some sense and if I can help anyone in the South East, drop me an email: email@southwestpaintball.co.uk

Oh, if you're wondering who the hell I am, I organise the SWPL.
welcom on board

As andy is reclining

I have already stated I can,t do this on my own as my commitments are to great. I am very willing to offer up my site as a venue. I will also sit on a committee if andy and the others feel this could be to the cause's advantage and I have said to clive I will keep him informed.

Prior to your good self running the SWPL I had contacted your predisesor for advice and he was great.

So again count me in 2003 sounds feasable and realistic and enoughtime to put some thing worthy together.

Look Forward to your call Andy Yes I too know the busy thing if it's going to be after 6 then 01296 395702 stands a better chance of being awnsered;)


New Member
Jan 31, 2002
Visit site
Piper! i still dont know who gave me access to a computer but ive been on the net for to weeks constant now and no ones asked any Questions!
any way still well up for a league! come on pipe's you can do it! reech for the pies!

later joe90:D