This may well turn into War and Peace (sorry)...
Well up for a series of tournament series based around Campaign... After Cherkely Wood, Evasion and Wicked shut there was (is) bugger all about!
I got really excited when i saw that you were setting up a novice tournament series and regular walkon days (as reported in PGi)

but then we had mad cows swimming through the woods and you couldn't run either

... any chance of sorting them now??? Please???
As with all mud based activities, Temple's good when it's dry and the Diablo site at Maidenhead sounds as though it's sorted. How about a tournament series based along the lines of...
Temple - Sup-air only.
Holmbush - Woods?
Campaign - Woods and/or Sup-air. (see below)
Wicked - Woods. If you're still looking at opening it again?
Maidenhead - Sup-air and Woods?
Skirmish Lasham - Woods and WW2 bunkers etc.
Main problem i can see is that relatively few teams seem to want to get their shoes dirty back in the woods.
Any chance you could use the fields that Mayhem was set up on a few years back - behind the Campaign commercial site? That would add another Sup-air to the list? Or any other fields around the Cobham, Effingham, Ripley borders. (How's about the Imber Court Police Sports ground again cos it's one minute from my house!!!)
The problem (from an outsiders pov) behind the HCL was that there was little flexibility in terms of attending the divisions so that you HAD to turn up to EVERY tournament. This led to the problem of cost to the non-sponsored teams who had to shell out a large amount of cash just to be competetive. AND you had to marshal.
A series lets anyone turn up, whenever. That can only be a good thing?
To make it work, i think that a NOVICE tournament would be able to run along this sort of system where people who have attended regular punter days could be contact to see if they wanted to form a team... An intermediate or pro series might be put off by the lack of Sup-air. However, punter tourneys are an area that i don't think are explored enough... (Probably cos i don't know how much hassle it is to sort them out!)
Anyway... I reckon go for it. There are loads of players in Surrey - in my opinion, most would be prepared to travel to all of the locations listed above. It all depends on wether you can get access to the other sites?
Having re-read my post i've rambled (as per usual) but hope i've (maybe) said something useful somewhere along the line?