
Just for the record...
The US has a college league (and has had tournaments goingback to '93 and stable conferences since '99 and a national league since 2000) because the college players busted their asses to have one. We didn't get dick for sponsorship until last year, and even last year our total sponsorship was half of what it cost one vendor to set up at Cup. The X Ball event was the first serious sponsor backing we've had, and that came after YEARS of people working to make the college league happen when no one in the industry was willing to spend any money. Those 12 college teams that played didn't exist because of sponsor backing, they existed because people worked for them to exist.
Point being that if you want something, you have to work for it long before people are going to throw money at you. So if the UK wants a college league (and it's looking like there's some interest picking up on your side of the pond), the UK college players are going to have to work to have one. On the upside, we'll be happy to help anyone over there out in any way we can, so things should be a little easier the second time around.
Anyway, it's not sponsorship. It's mainly population. We have a LOT more players to draw from, so our 10 best players (hell, even 100-200 best players) are going to be better on average than the 10 best players in the UK. It's just a numbers thing, and it really gets maginified when you're looking at the upper skill levels.
- Chris
The US has a college league (and has had tournaments goingback to '93 and stable conferences since '99 and a national league since 2000) because the college players busted their asses to have one. We didn't get dick for sponsorship until last year, and even last year our total sponsorship was half of what it cost one vendor to set up at Cup. The X Ball event was the first serious sponsor backing we've had, and that came after YEARS of people working to make the college league happen when no one in the industry was willing to spend any money. Those 12 college teams that played didn't exist because of sponsor backing, they existed because people worked for them to exist.
Point being that if you want something, you have to work for it long before people are going to throw money at you. So if the UK wants a college league (and it's looking like there's some interest picking up on your side of the pond), the UK college players are going to have to work to have one. On the upside, we'll be happy to help anyone over there out in any way we can, so things should be a little easier the second time around.
Anyway, it's not sponsorship. It's mainly population. We have a LOT more players to draw from, so our 10 best players (hell, even 100-200 best players) are going to be better on average than the 10 best players in the UK. It's just a numbers thing, and it really gets maginified when you're looking at the upper skill levels.
- Chris