Yeah, Shockwave lost to two novice teams and I think their one win was against an am team. There are some great players on that team, but they don't seem to know what each other are doing on the field. Hence bunkering own players...twice.
SC Men are looking pretty confident at the moment. Dave Youngblood also told me that he's been thinking about training himself up again and actually trying out for the ironmen. They just can't keep away.
Erik Felix has quit and gone back to washing hair.
Ed Poorman and Richmond Italia have just sold all their shares in PSP cos they didn't like they way it was going, and they now plan to go in together to run the XBall league next year. With the help of one other partner...WDP. Could be quite a show. Anyway, I'm off to the site now so check out the front page very late tonight or first thing tomorrow for all the other gossip and to find out who made it to the semis.
SC Men are looking pretty confident at the moment. Dave Youngblood also told me that he's been thinking about training himself up again and actually trying out for the ironmen. They just can't keep away.
Erik Felix has quit and gone back to washing hair.
Ed Poorman and Richmond Italia have just sold all their shares in PSP cos they didn't like they way it was going, and they now plan to go in together to run the XBall league next year. With the help of one other partner...WDP. Could be quite a show. Anyway, I'm off to the site now so check out the front page very late tonight or first thing tomorrow for all the other gossip and to find out who made it to the semis.