Originally posted by TJ Lambini
I was on what you Brits refer to as 'the wind-up'...
I noticed

that's why I didn't respond and waited for more relevant posts
If you know Jeff, you will know that he is a young fit baller who can play front, or anywhere on the field. He was one of the guys complaining...
I may be a lanky git but I also like playing front and getting as far up field as possible. It's just tough for me being so big to make it to the front on the break, so I usually start mid/back and work my way up field.
If there were more bunkers, then I would be up the field a heck of a lot faster. Less bunkers means people stagnate because they don't want to risk moving up.
I think it's good to try different field designs to promote a greater style of play. I just don't agree with removing all back/corner bunkers. I'd say have them, but block where they can shoot to with other large bunkers further up field... (things like the diablo arch) that way people can get into the game BUT HAVE to move up.
Maybe that would be better for spectators? let's face it, how much fun is it for spectators to watch people shot out on the break? not a lot.
Surely it would be more entertainment to watch 'lard ass' wobble up the field via a few bunkers before getting mugged out

or even watch lard ass wobble all the way down field to mug someone...
I watch a lot of games of paintball and the best games always seem to happen on more complex fields with more bunkers. Because people have to move to get angles and because they can move.