DJ, you sure are opinionated mate for somebody who has been around for a very short time ... and because you are new, I am gonna give you a friendly heads up here.your wrong.
I think it was you who got into an argument with Jay [Buddha] and then got decimated because you had picked on the wrong subject with definitely the wrong guy ...and I'm afraid, once again, you seem to have painted yourself into a corner and coming in for the kill is somebody who you really don't wanna be contending with unless you been in this sport for about 20 years and have degrees comin out yer ass ... seriously DJ, you do pick 'em mate
Missy, really is one of the industry heavyweights when it comes to knowing what they are talking about.
Generally speaking, there are two people on this forum [apart from me of course
Next time you disagree with Missy, it may be better to start your response with something other than 'Your wrong'; notwithstanding it should actually read 'you're wrong' but to say that so decisively is a tad inappropriate anyway.
A better way of engaging these guys is to say something like, 'I think you are wrong' or 'I think I have a problem with ....blah blah blah' because the way you have done it kinda invites an ass kicking of monumental proportions
Take it easy Dj !