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Is there something missing in paintball?


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
your wrong.

DJ, you sure are opinionated mate for somebody who has been around for a very short time ... and because you are new, I am gonna give you a friendly heads up here.
I think it was you who got into an argument with Jay [Buddha] and then got decimated because you had picked on the wrong subject with definitely the wrong guy ...and I'm afraid, once again, you seem to have painted yourself into a corner and coming in for the kill is somebody who you really don't wanna be contending with unless you been in this sport for about 20 years and have degrees comin out yer ass ... seriously DJ, you do pick 'em mate :)
Missy, really is one of the industry heavyweights when it comes to knowing what they are talking about.

Generally speaking, there are two people on this forum [apart from me of course :)] who I think have this sport and industry nailed to a 'T' and those are Buddha and Missy, and more than that, they have the intellect to back up their experience, it is a formidable combination DJ and one that I'm afraid you can only come unstuck with.

Next time you disagree with Missy, it may be better to start your response with something other than 'Your wrong'; notwithstanding it should actually read 'you're wrong' but to say that so decisively is a tad inappropriate anyway.

A better way of engaging these guys is to say something like, 'I think you are wrong' or 'I think I have a problem with ....blah blah blah' because the way you have done it kinda invites an ass kicking of monumental proportions :)

Take it easy Dj !


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2009
what i was replying to was a rather harsh coment telling m "leave the room" am not saying these people donthave a great understanding of the sport. infact am sure they could tell me a thousand things i dont no about paintball. but the econamy and business is something i do no. as a financial advisor i deal with this most days of the week.

my local paintball site charges a meer £25 a case of paint and a £20 entry fee. they get 60-100 people each walk on.
if they was to charge even £30 quid entry i no for a fact people wouldnt show. a site near the site i play has recently went bust. they charged huge prices that even i wouldnt pay.
if i took a look at paintball and the first thing i found was £200 a box and £60 entry i wouldnt look again.

there is other things that would help to but charging more will only put more companies out the door. first get the people in then make the money.

DJ, you sure are opinionated mate for somebody who has been around for a very short time ... and because you are new, I am gonna give you a friendly heads up here.
I think it was you who got into an argument with Jay [Buddha] and then got decimated because you had picked on the wrong subject with definitely the wrong guy ...and I'm afraid, once again, you seem to have painted yourself into a corner and coming in for the kill is somebody who you really don't wanna be contending with unless you been in this sport for about 20 years and have degrees comin out yer ass ... seriously DJ, you do pick 'em mate :)
Missy, really is one of the industry heavyweights when it comes to knowing what they are talking about.

Generally speaking, there are two people who I think have this sport and industry nailed to a T and those are Buddha and Missy, and more than that, they have the intellect to back up their experience, it is a formidable combination DJ and one that I'm afraid you can only come unstuck with.

Next time you disagree with Missy, it may be better to start your response with something other than 'Your wrong'; notwithstanding it should actually read 'you're wrong' but to say that so decisively is a tad inappropriate anyway.

A better way of engaging these guys is to say something like, 'I think you are wrong' or 'I think I have a problem with ....blah blah blah' because the way you have done it at the moment kinda invites an ass kicking of monumental proportions :)

Take it easy Dj !


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
your wrong.

finance works very simply. if there is a demand the price goes up if there is not it drops.
now paintball has lost the demand factor (or so am told) which means if prices rise its unlikly to bring in new people. however if the lower prices and bring back in the demand they can then raise prices.

and to add to it the world is poor and high priced sports will see losses in players. paintball is far above the price of football and a trip to the cinema.
You Forgot some details.
A football ball cost nothing.
A football pitch is partly paid by helps from gov/county

I couldn't say it better than Missy-Q.
I agree most (everybody's mind need to be different on some points) you said on this topic.

If you compare to Ski or other famous leisure sports.
A paintball day cost less than going to ski, rent and pay the pass for the day. But millions of people do it. Why ? Is that because ski was cheap when started ? (It used to be damn expensive and reserve to "elite" and people living in mountain)
Is Formula 1 really nice to watch (i mean being there, not following it on tv) ?

Sport need to evolve and start being in people mind.
People watch F1 because it is F1.
People think about going to ski for a day or week-end, because they think to go "skiing" during winter.

Sport need time to become in everybody's mind and being recognize.
The best stuff to do for paintball ?
Come and invite your friends.
To watch events, to play, anything, so just they know what you are doing.

(Please don't tell me some people won't like it, I didn't tell you to bring

PS: I used ski because that's the first think I found to compare. The comparaison may not be true in UK, but I'm sure you understood what I meant.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
what i was replying to was a rather harsh coment telling m "leave the room" am not saying these people donthave a great understanding of the sport. infact am sure they could tell me a thousand things i dont no about paintball. but the econamy and business is something i do no. as a financial advisor i deal with this most days of the week.

my local paintball site charges a meer £25 a case of paint and a £20 entry fee. they get 60-100 people each walk on.
if they was to charge even £30 quid entry i no for a fact people wouldnt show. a site near the site i play has recently went bust. they charged huge prices that even i wouldnt pay.
if i took a look at paintball and the first thing i found was £200 a box and £60 entry i wouldnt look again.

DJ, you may 'think' you know about financial matters but once again mate, I am trying to warn you off here from further engaging with someone [especially with the tone you seem to adopt] who will ...... erm ......... crush you into a singularity.

Basically, when Missy says A = B, then guess what DJ?
A = B, and if you ever find yourself thinking any different, then it may serve you well to do some research and try to find out where you are going wrong instead of coming straight back with 'Your Wrong' ... it's kinda inciting DJ.

And also, it may also serve you well to brush up on your english a bit, the packaging of whatever point you are trying to make is important DJ and you won't do yourself any favours by engaging people in debate when your spelling and grammar are somewhat compromised.
Spellcheck proggies are a two-a-penny mate.


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
your wrong.

finance works very simply. if there is a demand the price goes up if there is not it drops.
now paintball has lost the demand factor (or so am told) which means if prices rise its unlikly to bring in new people. however if the lower prices and bring back in the demand they can then raise prices.

and to add to it the world is poor and high priced sports will see losses in players. paintball is far above the price of football and a trip to the cinema.
No dude, YOU'RE wrong. It is NOT simple. If it were simple, we would already have it fixed - see? Then maybe we wouldn't have 8+ threads asking "what do we do about fixing everything???"
You also have the industry upside down. There is no big shortage of 'new people' in paintball. In fact the largest/busiest field in the UK did 10% additional business in 2009 than it's previous record (set in 1991). Fields all over the world are generally doing decent trade. People are playing grass roots. I personally helped set up over a dozen new fields last year, just in Canada.

There is a shortage of 'competitive players'. The companies that sell to 'competitive players' make products. They also have overheads, many of which are fixed. When business shrinks the overhead stays the same, as does the BOM. To attain the same revenue, with lower sales, means lowering the overhead, or increasing the price. What everyone is hearing now is 'reduction of overhead'. If that fails, and sales continue to drop, prices have to go up, or you go into the red. You're quoting theory. I'm basing my argument in fact. Theory and conjecture are for people who don't really know what they are talking about, but like to sound knowledgeable. This isn't a Fruit & Veg stall, its a multi-tiered industry.

I'll tell you what. Here's a deal. You put together a factual argument for why I'm wrong, I'll look at it, and once I've finished laughing, I'll let you know how much amusement it gave me.
Sound fair?

Oh, and please try to spell correctly, or I'm going to get distracted and focus on that instead of the issue in hand.

Tony Harrison

What is your beef with the Mac?
Mar 13, 2007
And whilst we are on the subject, the thread title should read: -

"Is THERE Something Missing in Paintball?"

Yes, I am a spelling Nazi.



Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2009
i have gramar issues. sorry

however on my defence. i cant prove site are or aint doing more business. but even if sum are there is still alot of site closing. but this thread is supposed to be about paintball in general not just tournaments. everything i know and the people i know tend to say cheeper would get them back. i have friends who work for minimum wage and still find time to play twice a month. increase prices and there playing once. increase to far and your loosing a whole lot of players.

if you take tournaments people cant afford to enter these. ive read on more than one forum that it costs to much. entry, paint, travel etc etc. if these costs were reduced would you or would you not see more teams wanting in ?

again if equipment cost less wouldnt more new players consider buying there own ?

away from my origianal point but

i also only see paintball companies sponsoring teams why not get some outside sponsors ? get sum pennies behind the team rather than cheeper paint and 20% of playing gear that if you buy bulk youget anyway ?


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
what i was replying to was a rather harsh coment telling m "leave the room" am not saying these people donthave a great understanding of the sport. infact am sure they could tell me a thousand things i dont no about paintball. but the econamy and business is something i do no. as a financial advisor i deal with this most days of the week. .
if you going to read my post, at least read it all, including the last line. I specifically stated that I am not singling anyone out. Ipso facto - I didn't tell you to leave the room. In your position as financial advisor, do you have to send people letters/emails? If you do, would you mind using the same spell-checker on here?

my local paintball site charges a meer £25 a case of paint and a £20 entry fee. they get 60-100 people each walk on.
if they was to charge even £30 quid entry i no for a fact people wouldnt show. a site near the site i play has recently went bust. they charged huge prices that even i wouldnt pay. .
Thats for walk-ons, right? What do they charge their paying customers? If they charge them $25/case too then they will likely not be in business long. Thats far too cheap to be sustainable given the overheads of running a professional field.

if i took a look at paintball and the first thing i found was £200 a box and £60 entry i wouldnt look again. .
erm, me neither, because thats a ridiculous example. Paint should be 60-100 quid per case, thats 3-5p per ball. The closer to 5p you are, the better field you are able to run.

You really have to do better than this to make your case DJ. Start by explaining how wrong I am, and why....


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
i have gramar issues. sorry

however on my defence. i cant prove site are or aint doing more business. but even if sum are there is still alot of site closing. but this thread is supposed to be about paintball in general not just tournaments. everything i know and the people i know tend to say cheeper would get them back. i have friends who work for minimum wage and still find time to play twice a month. increase prices and there playing once. increase to far and your loosing a whole lot of players.

if you take tournaments people cant afford to enter these. ive read on more than one forum that it costs to much. entry, paint, travel etc etc. if these costs were reduced would you or would you not see more teams wanting in ?

again if equipment cost less wouldnt more new players consider buying there own ?

away from my origianal point but

i also only see paintball companies sponsoring teams why not get some outside sponsors ? get sum pennies behind the team rather than cheeper paint and 20% of playing gear that if you buy bulk youget anyway ?
Why not having outside sponsor ? Can I send you the question back => Why would outside people sponsorise paintballers ?

Equipment isn't that much expensive. Playing don't cost so much anymore.
Paintball is a "mechanical sport" and will always be one. If you dream about a damn cheap paintball, and paintball for free at school, wake up :)

If rally would be cheaper, they would have more people doing it, same for every mechanical or high-equipement needed sport.