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Is there something missing in paintball?


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Locked divisions need to end right now, they are the bane of our events and do no good whatsoever for the growth of event paintball, in fact, all they do is restrict growth ...... the problem with getting rid of them is that old devil called money.

Certain people need to think very carefully about what they want; they can maintain a revenue stream and resource that directs itself toward their pocket but this is an extremely short term strategy that has rigid restrictions placed upon growth.

Alternatively, they can embrace commonsense and let go of their short term greed in favour of some good old fashioned mid to long term greed, all it takes is a leap of faith and a very small dollop of common sense.

Tony Harrison

What is your beef with the Mac?
Mar 13, 2007
What I think is missing:-

1. Fun.
2. Proper promotion of events - flyers, adverts etc.
3 . More events like Blackpool.
4. Limited paint events.
5. Open divisions.

But we are working on this.



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
What I think is missing:-

1. Fun.
2. Proper promotion of events - flyers, adverts etc.
3 . More events like Blackpool.
4. Limited paint events.
5. Open divisions.

But we are working on this.

1. Agreed and appropriately placed.
2. Agreed
3. No we do not, Blackpool lost 8 grand, the LAST thing we need is events like Blackpool. Players who went and scream for more similar events need to get their head outa their arse and realise the likes of Blackpool are 'pie in the sky' events.
4. Unconvinced
5. Agreed

You done well there Mr Jonataha A, you'll make a good pundit one day :)

Tony Harrison

What is your beef with the Mac?
Mar 13, 2007
Thanks, Pete - I'm working on my pundit skills.

I know that Blackpool lost a ton of money, but I was glad that someone had the balls to pull it off.

I just think that, with TV a pipedream, we need to bring paintball into the public eye somehow.

evil sharks matt

Jan 6, 2003
Thanks, Pete - I'm working on my pundit skills.

I know that Blackpool lost a ton of money, but I was glad that someone had the balls to pull it off.

I just think that, with TV a pipedream, we need to bring paintball into the public eye somehow.
Is this really the way forward though mate? I dont think so myself.

The way forward imo is from the ground up, promote paintball to the public but not in the tournament format, people need to be playing more punter days then advancing that way, its not viable IMO for joe public to turn up at a publicised event and then think woah cool, I wanna play tourny paintball...I just dont think that could ever work so why bother flogging a dead horse!

Surely the majority of the money in the industry comes from punter days? I think we just forget that


I'm a country member!
Hot Chicks, who like to 'party'?

ps - what's 'Addiciton'? A chain-smoking transformer?
You missed out that these chicks need to be at the free to enter events that you can walk to from your front door!

You and your in this example being the average Joe Paintballer.

What is missing from paintball?

A single focal point on the game field, that is why it will never become even a mainstream "Extreme" sport!

It has been described before as a game of chess with guns, even this is a limited analogy, Chess has a single objective, to compromise the position of the opponents King, however, in paintball you could take the best two players (the King & Queen if you like) out on the break and the remaining pawns could remove all your pieces from the board/field.


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
Is this really the way forward though mate? I dont think so myself.

The way forward imo is from the ground up, promote paintball to the public but not in the tournament format, people need to be playing more punter days then advancing that way, its not viable IMO for joe public to turn up at a publicised event and then think woah cool, I wanna play tourny paintball...I just dont think that could ever work so why bother flogging a dead horse!

Surely the majority of the money in the industry comes from punter days? I think we just forget that
I think that looking at paintball from a spectator point of view is just plain costly. The last thing that we want is to compromise the fun of a format to make it more watchable, especially in terms of sup'air - which is so far removed from the public's traditional understanding of paintball that it's almost an entirely different game, a game that they don't understand at that. Sure it looks cool, but if it's not as fun as they thought it would be then they ain't gonna stick around.

The priority should be making the game fun, people will appreciate that more than anything. And I totally agree on promoting paintball from the ground up. We need people entering the sport, and trying to get them straight into sup'air just isn't working - the costs of the format are just too high for people to get into it, especially at a serious level. Get people playing regularly on the base level, back in the woods in their local parks, and the gates will open. This is my opinion based on my very limited experience, feel free to rip into it.