Well, love them or hate them, they're not going to go away.
We're talking about not wanting them to be the face that represents paintball. How arrogant is that?
Sure, their warlike appearance may cause feelings of unease in a lot of people, but on the other hand these guys are the vast majority of paintball players. Way more than that 50% mentioned! (90% is more like it).
Yes I'm a tourney player, and yes touney ball should be prsented to the world as least military like as can be, if we are going to be recognised as a sport. But the camo clad guys are by far the biggest market out there, and therefore are the true face of paintball, whether we like it or not. And as such we can not deny them their spot light. You have to understand that recball and tourney ball are two very seperate things, and are very hard to compare.
I agree that wearing medals you haven't earned is disrespectfull, but if someone wants to get all camoed up in the weekend, and sneak around the forests, than we have to respect that. Just because it's not our thing doesn't mean other people 'shouldn't be allowed to do it. There is plenty of room in this world for both forms of paintball to exist side by side.
Almost everybody starts out in camo gear, and only some of them make the step to tourney ball. Other people would rather do some 'role playing'. It is their way of escaping the rigours of every day life. Some people wanted to be in the military, but for whatever reason never got in. If they can live their dream in this way, let them.
I've played alongside recballers for a very long time, and we always tried to convince them to try out the Sup'Air with us. Often they would just try it once, but they would rather spend their time (and money) in the woods. So who are we to say that they are wrong? After all, there's more of them!.
Ajermstad, you are in one way right in saying that we don't want the camo boys to represent paintball, but in another major way you are so wrong. It is exactly this camo style Rambo image that draws the VAST majority of people to the paintball fields for the first time.......
Later ya'll!