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F orum Battle Organiser
Nov 23, 2005
South Wales/Cali
Originally posted by Dskize
and your right and have made the good call - im also assuming you have the SP backup techwise that the tigers have - which makes a big difference ;)

I however am like a large percentage of lesser league ballers in the fact that I have more money than sense :)
Yeah i have the back up of a few guys tigers included..lol


University Barbarians
Smart Parts tried to create a monopoly in the paintball industry. They passed certain patents which cover most electro-pneumatic paintball markers, demanding royalties for anyone who infringed on the patents. For example, they caused AKA, the producer to the Viking and Excalibur markers, to go bankrupt. They even said they were the first company to produce an electronically controlled marker, when in fact they stole/bought (can't remember) the idea from another company in the mid-90s. This halts inovation as companies without the funds (eg AKA) cannot produce new electronic markers that could revolutionise paintball as they cannot afford to pay SP royalties.

They are also buying out the majority of the world's best teams (Dynasty, Russian Legion, Naughty Dogs etc)...in short, as I mentioned before, people believe that they are trying to turn the paintball business into a monopoly, with SP leading the way. In addition, the products they produce are known to lack good quality control. Take the Shocker for example - they released it in early 2004 full of bugs (eg there was a lip before the barrel where an oring went, this lip was way too sharp, causing balls to be sliced and diced on their way out). Even now when you buy a shocker you stand a high chance of getting a shoddy marker. The threads are known to strip, etc etc. It's hit or miss with SP quality.

Hence why you encounter SP hate, SP logos morphing into Swastikas etc.



Oct 12, 2005
Originally posted by mikey601
ION seems to be the only ''lesser'' marker that people give jip about
heres a question, why don't people like the Wrath? Yes, mine and a team mates both went back to NPS to be fixed but it does have certain advantages over the ION, . No ramping but LCD screen in the grip with safty, game timer, capping etc.

I would have thought that the wrath would have made an better gun for people starting out in the game. Also a good bridge from rec to tourney ball as you can use co2. What Paintball Gear gave it a better mark than the ION but the gun has never realy taken off. I'm not sure why.

Please don't read this as Wrath vs ion post. i am not saying either is better but that there are advantages to each but one (the ION) is in a galaxy far far away from the Wrath.


Stroke the badge Kenneth!
SP have better support in the states and are a much bigger company.

The ramping has a big impact. But also after market add ons. Players love to buy things for their marker, probably a lot treat them better than their wives/girlfriends.

The Ion represents a cheap marker that will compete with the top end markers. together with tons of upgrades and a big co behind them.


New Member
Originally posted by webby
Smart Parts tried to create a monopoly in the paintball industry. They passed certain patents which cover most electro-pneumatic paintball markers, demanding royalties for anyone who infringed on the patents. For example, they caused AKA, the producer to the Viking and Excalibur markers, to go bankrupt. They even said they were the first company to produce an electronically controlled marker, when in fact they stole/bought (can't remember) the idea from another company in the mid-90s. This halts inovation as companies without the funds (eg AKA) cannot produce new electronic markers that could revolutionise paintball as they cannot afford to pay SP royalties.
With respect, almost all of this is factually incorrect. Read the PGI article for the correct version. In fact it was WDP who 'bought' a patent for the 'original' instead of counter-claiming against SP. In every other industry, SP's aggressive stance would be seen as sensible policy, but paintballers continue to want something for nothing ;)


University Barbarians
SP bought the patent for the first fully electroneumatic marker from PVI, and then used a loophole to add extra details to cover more designs, which to my understanding is fraudulent (everytime SP stood in front of a judge (eg against WDP) they lost). The only way anyone could stop this was to file a counter-suit, which would cost too much money, hence why AKA stopped producing Vikes + Excals and ICD signed a deal. They didn't have the cash to pay for legal fees, which was supposedly SP aim.

I wasn't getting at SP, just letting this guy know why some people dislike them...sorry if the details were a bit off, but I hope it gives the general gist... :rolleyes:

And I do agree, in any other business, no one would have taken much notice, but paintball is still relatively small, and massive inovations are still possible and people were scared that SP would hold the industry back from newer and greater things.

Anyways, this was so 2004....:rolleyes: