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I'm a noob at IRL..
Nov 24, 2003
West Sussex
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There's a fair amount of support on this forum for the Ion from what I've seen.

On PB nation however there was a lot of 'anti-Ion' chatter, because average young teenage American + Delicate marker = Broken marker and lots(more) whining.

"i tried 2 take out da bettery but da cable ripped :mad: :mad: :mad: OmGZZ SMATRPARTZ SUCKZZ11!1"


New Member
Aug 12, 2005
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PM Bulldog2k, Garf has been using the Ion since it came out. I hear rumours he has married his in a civil ceremony earlier this year. But don't quote me on that.

Garf and his team mostly use Ions and they regularly tech theirs and other peoples. He can strip one to its innards in seconds and once you get past the "oh my god I've taken my marker to bits, panic" stage its very simple.

Most of the problems Ion users have are self inflicted, I would say get one read the manual and enjoy. It performs out of the box and upgrades are to personal taste not essential.


Cobra's Member
Sep 24, 2005
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mike the only people who slag the ion are twats tbh the ion is a great marker, brilliant for rec-ball, super for tourny. You get your self a 4500psi tank and a halo or egg for your ion jesus, u will love it i mean for a starter marker its a must have i mean you cant ask for more, 17bps fully ramped, tourny legal, fairly nice grips, plastic clover (which are changable) for £180 or what ever its worth it i give it a 9/10, not cause i got one or anything :p

look at this link to see mine


University Barbarians
Originally posted by Old&Fat
Most of the problems Ion users have are self inflicted, I would say get one read the manual and enjoy.
That's really the same with all markers, not just the ion. As long as you read the manual and treat it right any marker will last. (that was a general statement, not for or against an Ion :cool: )

The main reason I do not own an Ion is because when I tried one out, to me it felt cheap (like I was going to break it) and found it hard to shoot as the trigger was a little awkward (sp?). Then again, I felt the same about the 2k5 timmies I've shot.


New Member
Originally posted by Old&Fat
PM Bulldog2k, Garf has been using the Ion since it came out. I hear rumours he has married his in a civil ceremony earlier this year. But don't quote me on that.
Dude, that post made me laugh more than anything I've read for a while - nice one!

Ultimately, life gets too short to worry about what other people think about your rhubarb. Just get out there and shoot people. If you like the platform, cool. If you don't, no sweat.

I think you can trace 'popularity' vs acceptance in all kinds of fields. Anti-Man U backlash, anyone? Even Salvador Dali was accused of 'selling out'.

Don't believe the hype either way. Try one yourself and see if it speaks to your fingers. I've never slagged off other platforms (I was told the other day this isn't true, but it pretty much is... ;) ) cos the world is stuffed full of great paintball gats these days, one of which is the Ion.


F orum Battle Organiser
Nov 23, 2005
South Wales/Cali
thanks for al ur points guys

was starting to believe everyone hated them...lol

a bit late for me testing the 'ion' bulldog already spent about £500 on it..lol..but hey like i said im only starting out so i thought it would be a good place to start (if tht made any sense)

Hope to see you al out there soon, no matter what gat u got

cheers all




F orum Battle Organiser
Nov 23, 2005
South Wales/Cali
yeah sorry should of explained

got the ion ccm low porfile feedneck, blackheart board, egg with z board, dye ultralite barrel, silver n black body kit, evil pmi preset 5000psi, ccm blade trigger dye on and off um couple cant hink of right now..

but its looks great and im quite happy with it just cant wait to get out there and shoot it

thanks all
