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Inter-university Paintball Tournament



Collegiate World Cup we're still working out the details on. We're anglingback an forth ebtween doing one event in one location with 12 teams, or a couple conference events with Finals at World Cup. A lot of this depends on what other organizations are interested in supporting, and a lot of those responsible parties are indisposed this week. We're not meeting with the University until next week either about that location.

Expense depends on sponsorship. Could be free, could be $1500+BYOP on the high end.

- Chris


Oh, and as far as combined team goes...

We'd probably be opposed to that if it was just in with everyone else. If we first determined a top US team, then had that top team play the UK team at Cup, that would bemore workable - maybe wrap it up with the UK team also being able to play DII X Ball.

Oo, that just gave me a brainstorm.

- Chris