I see a UK Uni/Student Paintball Body being the thing that student paintball has been lacking in this country - continuity.
I see the main roles (for the time being)
Providing assistance/knowledge to those having troubles setting up Paintball Clubs at Uni
Sort out BUSA recognition (obviously liaise with UKPSF re: Sports Council progress - I see a similar fight, as well as the fact that BUSA want us to be recognised by Sports Council before they'll think about it)
Sort out a couple of tourneys per year. Hopefulyl in a couple of years time, we'd be able to progress to a league system with regular matches, tho it would be an ar$e for, say Exeter to travel to Durham for a single match (even something like an X-Ball style day) - something to be sorted for future methinks.
I agree with the time for meetings during the Uni tourney thing - this could possibly work if the uni tourney was day before the regular tourney (like last year) and all participants can stay awake after 9PM

Maybe arrange for a meeting one evening in the bar at Campaign Cup - I guess most uni's will have a representative there, if only to watch.
I feel that rec-ball should definately be included in the big picture - after all, (and I'm using Portsmouth Uni as an example here, for obvious reasons), club members = 140-ish, Tourney team members = 15, maybe 20 in a freak year. I don't think those sort of figures can be ignored, and the majority of "new starter clubs", which will be the ones which probably require some assistance, will be mostly doing rec-ball for their first year or two.
I think the main thing to think of initially, is who we cater for, is it going to be a "student thing", and include the likes of sixth form colleges etc, or for now is it going to be a "uni thing" to aid with the BUSA business? My vote goes for a uni thing, which should also make the setting up/admin-ing stuff a little easier.
[Edit - oh my word, I just agreed with Chris about something. and the online thing for the organisational stuff was something I meant to put in my post and forgot. zoiks]