possibly the saddest comment i ever heard....good way to encourage folk into the game !No cos some of your male friends arent ballers so why would it matter and it doesnt hurt that much to bitch about it anyway every other paintballer male/female puts up with it why shouldnt your women
the way forward is bubble wrap mate or perhaps some kind of drug which numbs the nervous system
it isnt that bad really folks, when we think about it, the only time i been hurt is when some tit has been using a hot gun, or paint which has formerly been used in the 1950`s i think if you take her to either practice day, or punter day and let her loose if it is a practice day then tell the lads/lasss to concentrate their shots on her pack, just to get her used to the inital shock of coming under fire, you will find that confidence will rise v quickly mate, and you will have conqoured the age old ballers nightmare that is "wifestopsplay" syndrome or perhaps even worse the rare "wifemademesellmefrigginkitagain" ITUS which is fatal to ballers !