Trafford rocks
Originally posted by Aten-Re
Hows goes it, this post is funny, tell your gf that on average girls have 20% more non essential body fat then men, thus it wont hurt.
Also the girl from chav central Hertfordshire, you are having a laugh, check you crime stats, man you have, Hatfield, Luton, Hemel, Welwyn. When I pass this area on the M1-A1(M) its foot down and hope to come out on the other side in one piece.
the one from hertfordshire wasnt a girl originally, instead he was emotionally moved by the winner of big brother and decided a lifestyle change was in order for apologies...her to be happy, unfortunately the eratic itching from the surgery caused his hands to rapidly twitch forcing his typing to come out as
"a$$40l3 y0u|2 ma biaaatc4" loosely translated as "bum your my female canine".
"4nd 1 am y0u|2 p1mp" loosely translated as "i am your puss filled petrusion of the outer skin"
either that or his middle class parents have payed for that "how to be emimen in 7 days" course you see advertised in the famous lads music magazine "Plastic Gangster".
no but honestly i think he is a lad from his badboy attitude, its just a shame his reformed genital hasnt turned out as he hoped.
anyway i still pray to jesus for him. as i think we all should! let him know the world has love.
now new subject:
bodyfat and paintball welts.
personally if it hits my bony areas (which means for me - my head, ankle, knees and elbows
) it has a sharper initial pain, but fades away very fast. but when it gets my fat it dont hurt initially but has a lot of after pain (hence the chicken dance when i get shot up)
does anybody else notice that doing a little jig takes the pain away?