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If paintball went to the olympics?


New Member
Apr 2, 2004
A slight historical correction: It was not the battle of Thermopoli.

The battle of the Thermopolis has to do with the invasion again of the Persian Army and the heroic resistance of Leonidas and his 300 brave soldiers.

The marathon run referes to the battle of Battle of Marathon who took place in the area of Marathon the rest is correct.

However it is cleared that most of the classic sports have origins from war-related activities.

The difference I believe between paintball and other sports that use "weapons" bow, air-rifle etc is that in paintball you actually have to shoot living people in order to win and not targets so in a sense it promotes modern war.

But then again we have sword fighting, which uses a weapon of the past to kill the opposion, but through the ages it was started to be considered as a noble sport.

And as well boxing, wrestling, judo ,taek wo do, where athletes use combat techniques to knock out the opposition.

What can be made in my opinion in order to see where we stand, and what our chances are :

1) See what newly-entered sports like beach-volley ,trampoline had to accomplish (some participation numbers and a good presentation i believe) and sail to the same direction.
2) National federations in assistance with millennium and nppl officials should approach their local Olympic commitees.

Many wide-spread sports, like karate or water-ski haven't make the cut and have more chances than our sport to make it sooner in the Olympics, so If we really want to join the Olympics everybody must work hard towards this common goal


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Originally posted by Azz3h
We need the UKPSF really. And someone who can make a very graphically pleasing high quality site. When do they announce who has the next Olympics anyway?
Don't you think you need to find someone to finance this idea first.........

Got a spare couple of million in the bank?

I've said it before, and I'll say it again Paintballs corrupt enough without involving the IOC.

Anyway, who's interests does the UKPSF really represent..............(rubs hands with glee ready to feel the hate)

Lay of the pipe dude. ;)


Pompey Paintballer
Originally posted by stongle
Anyway, who's interests does the UKPSF really represent..............(rubs hands with glee ready to feel the hate)
The membership :D

Who do you think we represent? If you think we're in the pockets of the industry then where the hell are my brown envelopes full of cash?

Actually that's a good point. I object to being an official of a sporting organisation that isn't getting back handers. Roll on the Olympics I want some of that IOC corruption in my bank account :p

Oh yes it's Thermopylae (it means Hot Gates btw) and that was a battle where 1000 Greeks (of whom 300 were Spartan) fought a delaying action against a second Persian Invasion under Xerxes (the son of Darius).

Go tell the Spartans, stranger passing by
that here, obedient to their laws we lie

With your Shield or or it ;)


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Originally posted by Hotpoint
The membership :D

Who do you think we represent? If you think we're in the pockets of the industry then where the hell are my brown envelopes full of cash?

Actually that's a good point. I object to being an official of a sporting organisation that isn't getting back handers. Roll on the Olympics I want some of that IOC corruption in my bank account :p
now your getting it.........

But c'mon as an interest group, does the UKPSF "really" represent the players.....


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2002
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Originally posted by Grendel-Khan

Also, each country that hosts the Olympics can choose one sport to use as an Exhibition sport. It is then voted on as to whether or not to make it an offficial Olympic game.
Then we had better hope that Azerbaijan gets to host the Olympics soon then!

Rather than petitioning the BOC to accept Paintball as an Olympic sport and then rely on Britain being chosen to host the Olympics, maybe we could skip the acceptance stage and try an push the cause of Azerbaijan to host the Olympics...;)


Pompey Paintballer
Originally posted by stongle
But c'mon as an interest group, does the UKPSF "really" represent the players.....
No the idea is that it represents Paintball which is to say it tries and determines what's best for the sport as a whole not just the Industry or the playing participants.

One example: Banning Turbo Boards. Not hugely popular within a large segment of both players and industry but the right think to do given the legal uncertainty.

I'll have to admit that the more active members of the UKPSF are typically from the business (and our Chairman is of course in the trade), but this is not universally the case and could be easily remedied if more players were willing to join up.

I'd also like to state categorically that Steve Bull does it for Paintball not for himself. He's a great bloke.