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Idea for I.D. card/player registration system

Good points - everyone.

The system could be made so that the avergage of the points of the players on the roster, is what is used to determine what level you play at - or as Hasse says the top 7 (or 5) could be used.

The point behind this system would be that if a team should be determined to play Am A instead of B then that is where they will play - whenever during the season. If that means they have played and won enough from January to May and then have to move up, then so be it.

But now the one thing I would try work out is that, the point spread from division to division would be such that, even if a team wins every Millennium event during the first half of the season, then they would still be playing there in the second half. But if they added a pro player - then that would put them over the limit.

I hope people understand what I mean by this.


DMZ Hasse

Larger than life
This is great! Not only would it prevent sandbagging in the lower divisions, but it would also make sure that the seeding is always fair, no matter if the team has entered a tournament before or not (eg. Ugly Ducklings 2 in Toulouse).


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Like it a lot! :D

There will be some maths and figuring out to do but it sounds like a great system. It will stop all the arguements on who should play which division and make it all a lot fairer.


New Member
Oct 31, 2001
Beds, UK
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It sounds like a good idea however, as with most things, the devil is in the detail....

The real toughy is going to be deciding how the points are worked out for each player... are all novice players worth, for example, 50 points or does each player have a really individual point score? How much does playing local leagues add against, say, playing Millennium events?

Another issue might be the situation where a team is, due to point value, upgraded from Am-B to Am-A, or from Am-A to Pro when they don't necessarily want to be, especially when it effectively forces them to pay more for the same tournament. On the same note, I can see a few scratch teams, thrown together just to play, having issues with that one.. maybe a modifier is needed if 1/2 the team have never played together before?

A national/international player rooster is, in my opinion, a nice idea but before people start talking about bar code scanners and the like I think we need to sit and think about exactly how the points will be worked out, maybe dry run it over a season and see if what happens in real life fits with whatever model you generate; i.e. just because the points tell you team x are sandbaggers doesn't necessarily mean they are sandbaggers.



Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
I think the points need to be worked out for each individual person.

That way we would have true seedings and be able to see the genuinely top 'players' in the sport...

You could have a modifier that looks at if that person has played with anyone else on the team before, but that would get complicated and your database would grow in size significantly...


New Member
Oct 31, 2001
Beds, UK
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The database will obviously hold which team the players generally play for. It should also hold the names of any other teams the players have played for during the existence of the database, i.e. guesting, with the database being flushed of inactive entries at the end of every year.

If a group of players decide to form a team for one event, they would have to register their team and players. At this point the database will work out the team points by adding together the individual player points and seed accordingly. It should also be very easy for the database to check to see if any of the players have played together before.

If, on a team of 7, three are from Team Bobbins and the remaining 4 are from all over the place then a modifier could be applied to the team points for that event, and may or may not affect their seeding.

Would, for example, a team comprised of 3 Bushwackers, 2 Miami Effect, 1 Dynasty and 1 Nexus player be as good as any of the parent teams? Would they be as good as the top Am-A teams? Does not playing together as a team make more difference at the higher or lower levels? Does it make a difference at all?

This could get really complicated....
