Tyg, I wasn't meaning to defend fighting, I wasn't trying to cover it up with the term,'passion.' Physical contact should be severely punished, my point is that there's no one to do it right now. How hard is it for these guys to make a harsh call? Who's gonna ban a player for an event? We need structure, real refs with real support. Until we get that, none of us will be able to curb the temper tantrums that some people throw (myself included...unfortunuately), talk to these guys' mommas. Maybe they just weren't spanked enough as kids...spoiled brats. People vent, I've thrown stuff, I've argued calls with refs, it happens, and I view things like that as minor offenses. Now throwing stuff AT people, that's different. We need rules, we need...blah, I'm repeating myself. I do see your side Tyger, I was just getting a little reactionary there. I just get the sense from many people that they want us all to hold hands and sing, with our fuzzy teddybear butt-packs, rainbow colored jerseys, and try not to get too excited during the day so we don't hurt ourselves mularkey, bleccch!!! I know this isn't what you were going for, but sometimes that's what I feel like.
And, holy crap Tyg, I hate the WWF.