The drive to win is a major part of what makes a proffessional a proffessional. Like Buddha said, you see guys throwing stuff, getting into shoving matches, screaming incoherently at people in every sport, well the good ones anyway. No one wants to watch a bunch of friggin' robots out there playing, the passion for the sport is what drives people to lunacy, what makes the players great, and what makes the special ones what they are. At that moment, losing is the most horrific thing in the world, and if they feel they've been slighted, then the fury of that perceived injustice lets loose on the poor fool who caused it. Most everyone knows exactly this, we've all felt it at some time, some deal with it better than others, but it's part of our sport, any freakin' sport. It's bloody human nature! The difference between ours and the other sports is that they've got proffessional refs. They're organised, the refs are backed by the league, and are independent of any team. They get paid to put up with all the b.s. that gets doled out at any event, and they could give a crap if Ed Poorman is chewing their ass, or just some Am. B punk. Pete, I know you're not trying to get a bunch of prisses out on the field so all the bad boy stuff will stop, we ABSOLUTELY FREAKING NEED proffessional refs.