at least in the uk we have a few advert free channels. however it costs us and they tend to be rather poor.
but yeah if i was getting extra adverts id be pist of so am going to back down here for those in america and say you all need to switch off and let the channels no why.
sucks they now show less programs costing less and show more ads making more. thats just crazy
I would rather have adverts then pay for a tv licence, its all a scam, you can un-tune your tv or never watch these chanels or even watch tv at all however you still have to pay because of them. I say scrap them they are crap anyways!
Jeremy Kyle and The Bill is on ITV which is a free channel anyways. BBC will only air what the government want you to see otherwise they throw a ban on it. Who is some dick in a suit running expense scams to tell me what i can and cannot watch? They are all jobs worths. Do nothing for people however they dictate to you. I think thats why i like the internet because it allows true freedom of speech soon as its pulled down from a site it will pop up somewhere else true power to the people not dictatorship!
Someone said above that Robbo was correct, personally i think he was wrong, some people like the comersialism or whatever its called thats their own choice if you break it down to the raw facts;
Its cold and dark in winter where not to many people want to be outside, they want to be indoors with their familys and enjoy hype in whichever shape or form, they get comfort from it. Same with the likes of Halloween etc, if its all yankyised with the streets all decorated and pumpkins with games for kids and knocking on the neighbours doors trick or treating for fun then fine, if you fancy looking back at the history of it and what it stands for then once again fine. I guess its whatever floats your boat really.
I always look forward to what this time of year brings. For me the winter and cold dark nights is about death (sorry for sounding morbid but its true). Far larger old folk and people in general die or commit suicide or whatever in winter also the plants and animals die or face harsh challenges to survive, they face hard times and suffering but they can also look forward to knowing that come spring new life begins, the flowers pop up the trees blossom this is what makes the world go round its nature and nature is harsh but fair.
People need 'things' to help them cope with the harshness of winter, if thats a fat bloke with a mince pie then go for it, if its the belief that a bloke hundreds of years who became the saviour of man kind was born then once again fine, if its that you like to see plants and animals return to the ground in 1 way or another to be reborn or make way for the next generation then once again fine.
Even look at it this way; in the Christmas period most shops make far more profit and line many pockets once again making the economy (the world in some peoples eyes) go round. So if a company wants to spend a small fortune on advertising at this time of the year then once again fine.
Everyone has their own take on it from greed to pity to suffering so i guess its a case of live and let live