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Hotel shelling in Iraq


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
ya know, you guys are gonna be fecked when the war's over. you might even have to resort to talkin bout paintball!!;) :D
I would just like to add that the British 'Blue on Blue' incident was the first in over 25 years of military operations, which included close quarter urban operations (N. Ireland) and Sierra Leone and Kosovo and Bosnia etc etc etc......

The Americans, while being involved in fewer military operations globally and being commited to those operations for a shorter period of time have still managed to be the greatest threat to their alies above and beyond the so-called enemy. The Americans are not Gung-Ho, they merely rely on the fact that their equipment is soooo technololically advanced that they dont have to think before pulling the trigger. As for Walker's example of an American tank targetting another then worrying whether it was friendly, have a look at the battle that raged for 5 hours between two American armoured brigades in the Kuwaiti desert in 1991. No enemy within 70miles!

I again point out tat in both Gulf conflicts more British troops have died at the wrong end of American 'Democracy' than at the hands of the Iraqi's FACT.


Bloody Yanks!!
Jun 5, 2002
Strong Island
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Originally posted by HERMITT

The Americans, while being involved in fewer military operations globally and being commited to those operations for a shorter period of time have still managed to be the greatest threat to their alies above and beyond the so-called enemy. The Americans are not Gung-Ho, they merely rely on the fact that their equipment is soooo technololically advanced that they dont have to think before pulling the trigger. As for Walker's example of an American tank targetting another then worrying whether it was friendly, have a look at the battle that raged for 5 hours between two American armoured brigades in the Kuwaiti desert in 1991. No enemy within 70miles!
Nice to see that you can actually get down to the real issue at hand...But what we maybe have is piss poor communication and not the Gung Ho mentality that Walker seems to assosciate with all US troops..Show me friendly fire casualties from the first WW to now and Im sure we'll see a very big decrease in the numbers..

Your right when you say are techonolgy is extremely advanced but id be willing to bank that our technology has save more lives during conflict than at any other time...The British during this conflict destroyed another British tank..Do we chalk that up as trigger happy??Or human error during highly stressful times that are bound to happen??What do we judge the Gung Ho mentality on??

Originally posted by HERMITT
I again point out tat in both Gulf conflicts more British troops have died at the wrong end of American 'Democracy' than at the hands of the Iraqi's FACT.
And we've lost more lives at the hands of the Iraqi's than the Brits have from friendly fire..And Americans soldiers have also friendly fired and mistakenly killed Americans..What are you trying to get at??Are Brit friendly fires any more tragic than ours??Or maybe we've been programmed to deal with them better:rolleyes:


Wow, Deja Vu all over again

Brits - stop raising this, it makes you look like ****ers.

Yanks - stop biting.

Or I'll ban everyone except the French.
Originally posted by Walker (Nitro)
Ive been quite forgiving in the number of civilian casualties caused by US bombing, because they unfortunately are unavoidable in wartime... But this time they have gone too far and im not afraid to say it, when i heard that those two journalists had been killed when a tank shelled the hotel they were staying in i was dumbstruck. I mean what can a lonely sniper do (even though there wasnt one) to a tank crew inside 5" steel plating? jack **** thats what... and what do the yanks do "Hey Cleetus, lets send an AP shell his way and see what happens" result? two dead three wounded... Dont get me started on the little Iraqi boy who's family was killed.

Now im all for the war in its right respect, but my feelings of the american attitude of "shoot first, questions later" that had subsided has now popped upto the surface..

nice one G-Dub....:mad:

But we have to understand the tankcrews too. U know, they sit there in harms way and look for possible threats all day, u could get a little hasty on the trigger that way. I mean a reporters camera looks very the same as etc AT4 antitank missile system. I dont think you´ll take the time to ensure that it is really a civilian cause if it is indeed a missile you are TOAST.

The tank crew could have been warned about foe operating from buildings so they were extra cautious about that? I believe I would have reacted the same way.. U dont want to die eh? A sniper can do lots of damage to a tankcrew, If the commander pops up for a look he is very vulnerable to sniperfire.. And they all try to clear snipers out so even the tanks.. In war things happen so fast that human errors happen all the time. Everybody involved are on extreme pressure and has to try to make their best to survive and to do their job. So I am actually impressed that there has not been more of these friendly fire accidents. Sadly for those who lost people in Iraq due to FF but I think those casualties will always be there.

Hopefully this ugly war ends soon and Iraq can start up a new generation of anti dictator and anti war population.

WAR should be avoided untill its impossible to do so.


//Mikko Team Hypnotize Sweden


Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Pick up John Keegan's "The face of battle" if you can, it's a good read, and shows you how much friendly killings (haha!) there have been throughout history.
Anybody got a clue how many British troops and their allies were slaughtered by their own side at Waterloo? The answer is: A lot!