Big prob is no penalty!
The prob with the current chrony set up is this.
Turn up to the field running 330 fps, thats gonna hurt. If you are not one of the two or three picked no probs go blow some suckers heads off!, literally!
If you do get picked, you go "oh ****, sorry judge", judge goes "kin ell, turn it down buddy". get your allen key out of your pocket and turn it down. Go play with the rest of your team shooting cannons!
Only way to stop this is on field chrony, even in the big tourneys very rarely get checked at all, let alone ever having a max-flow cap checked etc?
So in all it's the system combined with hot bouncy paint, twats that do this on purpose, 20+ BPS and adrenalin that gives you all those sucking wounds people take picks of. Not fun but what a game!
By the way, not condoning the above, just saying how easy it is to inflict some hurt.