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Help Please !


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I have trawled the net searching for lower back pain procedures and it looks as though there are many operations that can be done to make lives a lot more bearable but [there's always a fackin 'but' ....:rolleyes:] .... these procedures always seem to be available in the US and the other slight technical problem being, I ain't rich enough to have it done privately even if we do have those procedures here in the UK.

But hey, I'm not gonna second guess what the NHS consultant is gonna offer, I'll just pray it's something positive.
Thanks again to everybody, I really appreciate the help and advice.


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
Frikkin 'eck Jon, I ain't that bad; come to think of it though, I reckon I could still beat you when I'm dead .. either that or I might just pop round and rip one of your arms from its shoulder socker and take it home with me seeing as we've run out of dental floss ... :)
Id just walk up stairs mate and let you suffer the same fate as the darleks :D :D :D :D


Mar 4, 2009
Hi Robbo, back pain ...hell yeah wouldn't wish it on my worst ( well maybe but hey .:p) I had an op on 6-6-06 :eek: lower back L4-L5, surgeon was pretty good and on the NHS. I went private for the MRI scan then got the doc to fast track it in Oswestry no prob. That said i did try acupuncture before the op and to be honest if at the time the funds were available would have stayed with it. After the sec session the pain had completely gone and no twinges or shooting pain that drops u to the floor in a sec. You need to keep with the full program though, the op came up and a choice had to be made so...hope this helps, be lucky, l8rs Marc Academy49paintball.
Oh the painkillers that were most effictive were co-codamol for me but as said earlier ...all different dude.