I mentioned earlier that I wouldn't post anything more concerning breakwell unless it added to our understanding of the moron ... or indeed, he surprised us more than he has done already with the sheer depths his stupidity plumbs as he navigates through everyday life .... he has succeeded in the latter I'm afraid ....
He sends me an email that ends on this somewhat impolite note :-
As for the money, put it in my account, I did the same for you.
His manners are those of a pig with no mention of words like 'please' or 'thank-you' but I suppose we shouldn't be surprised when we think back at the long list of ignorant acts he's taken part in ....
He's also delusional in believing he's entitled to the money back; at the very best he can only ever get the marker back and that's if he sends some money to the guy who has it for posting and packing and as we all know breakwell ain't got a pot to pis$ in, even though he constantly tells everybody he's rolling in it ... but as we all know, what do pigs roll in?
Yeah, you got it, that's what breakwell rolls in ...
I responded appropriately and told him to 'come and get it' to which he replied [trying to look ominous and tough] by asking for my address ......
If I thought for one second he would actually come here, then I'd give it to him in a heartbeat but even he ain't that stupid .. I wish he was believe me but I'm pretty sure he knows what would happen should an ignorant-ass pig turn up on my doorstep stinking out my neighbourhood as he knocked on my door with his trotter ....
I'll let you know if he persists in trying to get his money/marker back and indeed if he keeps threatening me which of course is laughable because as I remember and with no disrespect intended toward the female gender, MsHell beat him in a fight ... still, ya never know, breakwell might grow some bollocks and come looking for me .. I do hope so ...