Originally posted by Fabio421
Robbo, I think your idea has meritt and maybe it should be brought up in the next rules comittee meeting. But how do you keep up with the statistics of who is penalized? Currently there is no way to track this. There would have to be some type of record kept that is somehow tied into the player I.D. system. One problem I se arising is the definition of playing on. It seems that every marshal has their own guidlines that they follow. Someone who is hit on the way to bunker someone but still follows through is technicaly playing on. Where do we draw the line. I know that when I run through on a team I don't have time to stop and check to see if the ball that I just felt hit me broke or not. I depend on the reffs to do this for me in most cases. Where do we draw the line as to what is acceptable and what is not. Is it two steps after a hit, three steps, What if I am running so fast that I can't stop in time to avaoid a penalty? There needs to be some solid ground rules for this to go anywhere. But like I said before. This idea has potential. I just wonder how it could be practicaly implemented.
'And therein lies the rub' as ole Willy Shakespeare once said
As I said, I was jabbering in principle, the details of which can be ironed out by people much better suited than I.
The only thing that is immediately obvious to me for this system to work is for each and every player to have a dog tag ID card hung about his person so that each and every infraction can be immediately attributed to an individual and leave no room for abuse.