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Has XSV changed the face of tournament Paintball forever?

Wadidiz said:
Sorry. I was too lazy to go back and check.:D

I guess I've said this already in so many words but I don't think it is only a question of personal morals but rather of what the "real rules" are and that is only seen by the level of enforcement. I don't put much faith in many people having a good moral compass and while there have always been people who cheat, I believe today's sports culture has moved at a break-neck pace towards rationalizing and justifying dishonesty much more than before.

The honor system is "They've got the honor; we've got the system."

As JR on Dallas said, "Where there's a way there's a will." The saying, "Locks on doors keep honest people honest," also fits here IMO.
So in your world it's OK to abdicate personal responsibility? If the rules don't stop it and I can't be caught, then off I go...



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
TJ Lambini said:
Hey, if everyone plays 'don't ask, don't tell, honor among thieves' and tha industry and leagues are complicit - which they are - then y'all get the 'sport' (hohoho) you deserve and should quit even talking about it.

Where's Telford then Robo? Deliver...

He's just like Christmas.........:)


EnHaNcE tHa TrAnCe
Jul 9, 2002
Stockholm, EU
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TJ Lambini said:
So in your world it's OK to abdicate personal responsibility? If the rules don't stop it and I can't be caught, then off I go...

I suppose one could take what I'm saying to mean that but that's not at all the way it is in "my world". I really believe that we all should have a set of morals and that we should follow them. I also believe those morals should have a solid foundation and be unshifting. I'm just being realistic and saying that many if not most people don't have them and it would be absurdly naive to believe we can preach paintball players into playing cleanly, fairly and safely according to the rules.

I think we should put forth what is right and wrong and that a good society should try to shame those who selfishly abuse others or common safety for whatever-it-is they want. But don't have any expectations about changing bad behavior more than marginally.

I think of Robbo's article about gun cheats a couple of years ago (and please don't think I'm trying to win points by this reference). I thought it was refreshing to see such writing that appealed to the conscience and was full of righteous indignation. But, did it change any of the cheaters' behavior? The effect it had, besides making us more aware of the issue, was perhaps to further engage those of us who are moral.


EnHaNcE tHa TrAnCe
Jul 9, 2002
Stockholm, EU
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TJ Lambini said:
The Paintball world obviously disagree with you Steve, as the industry, leagues, players and judges are all complicit in the gun cheat issue, judging by what's been said on here.
I know I can be dense at times but I seem to be totally missing you. The whole PB world disagrees with me about what?:confused: