The problem is...
....that very few ppl are able to keep integrity and character when they are subjected to direct massive cash streams.
its all about the bling bling
You gotta be filthy rich or you gotta be a rock solid character to be able to pull it off.
I think the best would be to finally admit how sorry is the state of the tourny scene in the US then make steps to resolve it players manufacturers you name it.
And THEN go and think about TV and Mass Media, get it right first then get it on TV. Imagine what would happened if the World Cup was picked up by TV and they televised the "Salm Incident" live?
The thing I love about the Milleneum series that it has strict rules how a tourny should be run. If you're able to meet the rules then you're in if you dont then sayonara.
....that very few ppl are able to keep integrity and character when they are subjected to direct massive cash streams.
its all about the bling bling
You gotta be filthy rich or you gotta be a rock solid character to be able to pull it off.
I think the best would be to finally admit how sorry is the state of the tourny scene in the US then make steps to resolve it players manufacturers you name it.
And THEN go and think about TV and Mass Media, get it right first then get it on TV. Imagine what would happened if the World Cup was picked up by TV and they televised the "Salm Incident" live?
The thing I love about the Milleneum series that it has strict rules how a tourny should be run. If you're able to meet the rules then you're in if you dont then sayonara.