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Going Down?


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Why was that ? Advent of the web ?
Simon, I'm not sure if you have been in a coma for the last few years or not mate but the paintball industry has gone from being a billion dollar industry to one third of that ...... I have documented this decline many times over the past few years on this site and in PGi ...... The 'advent of the web' as you call it has been around for 10 years and so this obviously wasn't a major factor.
Jan 5, 2006
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lol - yeah, fair enough - I just came back to tweak my post, but see you beat me to it :)

I was assuming it had been gradual decrease in advertising - but no, of course, it has all been quite sudden.


NO EXIT "Yank"
Jun 6, 2007
With the current situation in paintball in genral, us as the players are never satisfied no matter what the financial situation is around the globe. Yes we are in an econmic downturn but, to play this sport or live this lifestyle as some say, there has to be some give and take.

Before the flaming starts, sit back and think... as a whole we all have way to much invested than what is needed. Do we really need the new kit each and every year? Is that new mask gonna make us invisible? NO...

Yes there are some things that have to change with the current situation. Companys will go under as well as leagues and such but we have to look at what is staying through these times. I may be biased but look at who is on top right now. PLANET ECLIPSE. Why? Because the stand behind everything they produce. If somethings not right they make it right. Even if it is close they always strive to make it perfect. Take for example the GEO. What other company would make an upgrade and send to each and every owner at no cost? There isnt one! That is why they are where they are today. They take care of the customer. Throw a question in the Eclipse section and I will give you a fiver if Nicky does not answer with in three days.( Normally within the day but I may go broke if he gets sick or has no internet acess)

That was a bit of a rant but look at what is going under! Some great companies with great products but never there for the player. Being a Yank myself I can say it is not as bad as the picture being painted by the media. Its about the same as it is here in the Uk. People are losing there homes but it is because they coulndnt afford them in the first place. And yes the unemployment rate is up but as any other economy it happens.

Enough of my rant but I personally dont think it has much effect on paintball. You have to either be heavily sponsored or have the money to play on your own to play this sport. The majority are self supported and will continue to play. Yes we may lose a few players but I dont think this effect will be felt throughout the paintball community as players. Manufactures yes but as players we may pay a bit more but as I started this post we will bitch but we will still play the game.... at least I know I will.


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Harlem, NY
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With the current situation in paintball in genral, us as the players are never satisfied no matter what the financial situation is around the globe. Yes we are in an econmic downturn but, to play this sport or live this lifestyle as some say, there has to be some give and take.

Before the flaming starts, sit back and think... as a whole we all have way to much invested than what is needed. Do we really need the new kit each and every year? Is that new mask gonna make us invisible? NO... .
Buy the mask. Thats how you get to help out.

Yes there are some things that have to change with the current situation. Companys will go under as well as leagues and such but we have to look at what is staying through these times. I may be biased but look at who is on top right now. PLANET ECLIPSE. Why? Because the stand behind everything they produce. If somethings not right they make it right. Even if it is close they always strive to make it perfect. Take for example the GEO. What other company would make an upgrade and send to each and every owner at no cost? There isnt one! That is why they are where they are today. They take care of the customer. Throw a question in the Eclipse section and I will give you a fiver if Nicky does not answer with in three days.( Normally within the day but I may go broke if he gets sick or has no internet acess).
Actualy WDP did this also, and first, with their modified A1 Bolts. WDP also offer the service you enjoy from Nicky, in fact Frazer offered it first, but who's counting right...

That was a bit of a rant but look at what is going under! Some great companies with great products but never there for the player. Being a Yank myself I can say it is not as bad as the picture being painted by the media. Its about the same as it is here in the Uk. People are losing there homes but it is because they coulndnt afford them in the first place. And yes the unemployment rate is up but as any other economy it happens.

Enough of my rant but I personally dont think it has much effect on paintball. You have to either be heavily sponsored or have the money to play on your own to play this sport. The majority are self supported and will continue to play. Yes we may lose a few players but I dont think this effect will be felt throughout the paintball community as players. Manufactures yes but as players we may pay a bit more but as I started this post we will bitch but we will still play the game.... at least I know I will.
It's having an effect on paintball mate, no question about that.


NO EXIT "Yank"
Jun 6, 2007
No doubt its having an effect on paintball but my point was look at who is making it through it so far. Never owned an Angel so cant speak on there customer service. We as players basically choose who will stay alive by buying the products we choose. But I am no economist by any means and as I said will play the game regardless, and yes I will continue to buy things I dont need:D


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
A cousin of mine who doesn't even play was looking at the possibility of setting up an indoor urban site in an unused building in London, marketing it as a sort of businessmans' stress reliever. I warned him about the pitfalls of trying to make money in paintball, but do you think he was onto something with a site right in town? I think if people could go into town-centres and play a few games rather than getting up early to drive out to some site in the arse-end of nowhere, it could take off. It'd combine accessibility with exposure. And anyone who's been to the "bunker" site in exeter (?) will tell you close quarters indoor is awesome fun. Thoughts?
My biggest problem with playing paintball is that I have NO transportation that can take me to any paintball park. At home I'm lucky enough to live within an hours walk of a very good (albeit expensive) paintball park, but when it comes to being at uni, or wanting to get to an event outside of kidderminster, I can't get around.

Bringing paintball to inner cities (or towns) would make it so much easier for both players and owners. Think how much easier it would be to get people trying paintball out if they didn't have to drive 20 minutes out of town, and I'm pretty sure almost all of you can think of an abandoned warehouse or building near you.

I know I have no idea about business, and the realities of it all, but the truth is that paintball just isn't accessable to enough people. It's expensive and it's out of the way, immediately limiting the amount of people who can play.

I'd love to see some development of urban paintball


CPPS Chief Chimp
Mar 26, 2008
I'm pretty sure almost all of you can think of an abandoned warehouse or building near you
Do you know the average cost of a commercial unit big enough to house just a single speedball field, let alone an urban site with multiple playing fields? Let me tell you, it isn't cheap....you're probably looking at around £40k per annum......min. Field owners are struggling anyway, never mind worrying about those kind of overheads before they even break even. It would be nice but that's the reason why.
Jan 5, 2006
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Do you know the average cost of a commercial unit big enough to house just a single speedball field, let alone an urban site with multiple playing fields? Let me tell you, it isn't cheap....you're probably looking at around £40k per annum......min. Field owners are struggling anyway, never mind worrying about those kind of overheads before they even break even. It would be nice but that's the reason why.
I looked into getting hold of a warehouse near Redhill a good few years ago, to setup an indoor site. The place wasn't really big enough, but may of been alright. I was putting together a business plan, ... spoke to the agent to see what it would cost - £250,000. That was a lot more to buy it than I had hoped - then the agent pointed out that was the rent, not the purchase price ! I nearly fell off my chair ! I gave up on that idea. :rolleyes: