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Go Go USA!


Pompey Paintballer
Originally posted by TJ Lambini
Not only do we own tha world at pball, soon we will own y'all at soccer too

Seeing as how the colonial has thrown down the gauntlet...

... Statistical Fact - Relative to population, relative participation and the amount of money spent on it per nation the USA drastically underperforms at Sport! (Technically Cuba and Jamaica are the worlds most successul Sporting nations BTW)

For the sake of balance I've got to admit however that considering most of the worlds major sports were invented in the UK we're bloody awful at them :(


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Hey Rooster I'd love to play Ice Hockey, I always said if I'd grown up in Canada or Sweden (or anywhere else suitable) that I would have played Ice hockey. I even tried to get into it when younger but the rink was just too far from where I lived and it made it impossible to get to and practice.

Ice hockey is the kind of game I would play given chance. I didn't get it so I played rugby and paintball :)

I used to play some street hockey at Uni but just for laughs on Brighton Promenade.



VW's are the game
I Played ICE once! But lived to far from the RINK so I took up Full Contact Roller hockey. Takes a lot more effort to play roller due to the lack of almost frictionless ICE! But you get the same adrenaline and BONE CRUSHING hits!:D I was waiting for a "SCREW YOU Ro0sTer!" reply.:D


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Full contact roller hockey sounds fun! But I've never seen it over here or anywhere to be honest.

Always liked the movie Roller Ball. :D That's my kind of skating sport.

Originally posted by TheRo0sTer
Now that is why I played rugby. And how I kept my place in the back row (blindside flanker or no.8) for Warwick County U16's , Midlands U18's, Uni firsts, Brighton Firsts and Sussex County Colts (U19's). I was infamous for my tackles.


p.s. Screw you Rooster ;) :D

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Yeah! Screw you Ro0ster!

Bring on the ice, I'll go get my skates! (don't think that the only game I ever played other than p'ball is Yankee football. If it involves ass whoopings, I'm for it!)
Manike, as for the padding...well, we only wear it cause we're told to. :D And as far as the stupidity remark goes, I'll second that. Some of those guys are as thick as sh*t! Oh, and the pro thing...been there, done that. :D
Oh, and as far as watching rugby goes, don't forget that I've lived in the UK for a while, some of that time within spitting distance of a rugby stadium (I even been to Leamington, so I know where you live! :D )

Oh, I've found the feed. Let me know your address and I'll send it off, but only if you admit that rugby is for girlymen! :rolleyes: (just kidding)

Anyhow, back to the issue at hand. I can't comment on what soccer team I like best, cos there are none. I don't like the game at all. I think I was the only Dutch guy laughing his head off when we got kicked out of the running! Still brings tears of laughter to my eyes just thinking about it....
I mean, what's the point anyway? Twenty-two grown men chasing a ball, and when they finally do get it, they kick it away again...:confused:


Great Balls of Styrofoam
Yankeedoodles could NEVER get good at footy because you don't have proper hooligans rippin' chairs off the bleachers and smashing shop windows and throwing bricks at crowd control cars.

All you guys do is wave giant foam fingers around. :D

Oooleeee, oleeheee, oleeeee, oholee, OOOOOleeeeee!
PS: Buddha 3, stop frontin' on footy, you surrogate dutchman. ;)


Fat *******
Jul 9, 2001
Yeah! Screw you Ro0ster!

Originally posted by Buddha 3
I can't comment on what soccer team I like best, cos there are none. I don't like the game at all. I think I was the only Dutch guy laughing his head off when we got kicked out of the running! Still brings tears of laughter to my eyes just thinking about it....
I mean, what's the point anyway? Twenty-two grown men chasing a ball, and when they finally do get it, they kick it away again...:confused:
Tisk tisk Jay.....I can't believe your shallow look on football. If everyone starts talking that way, they could come up with a lot of not so nice things to say about american football....or even about paintball (which isn't even officially recognised as a sport yet)!!

I'm mean, what's the use of a game like american football then? Once a player has the ball, he tries to get rid of it as fast as he can! (not to strange when you're being chased by 400 pound maniacs, but still)

Oke...now I'll wait for my swift execution....
