Hey Jay I was waiting for you to join in
(found the feed stub for the golden eagle yet?)
You know I was once asked to play professional American Football in the UK... (I was spotted playing rugby and then approached) well when I mean 'proffessional' they would have set me up with a 'job' if I stayed in the area and played for the team, was all a bit dodgy really but rather flattering.
I missed getting payed to play rugby by one season! And I've toured Canada playing rugby against some guys that were once 'footballers'. I'll give them their dues that they were big, but not fit enough and most couldn't play a thinking mans game which is why our small british boys kicked arse where ever we went.
Rubgy players tackle like girls? Hmm watched any internationals lately? what? you don't have a team that would compete in such an event... fair point... that's why you don't know what you are on about
At least rugby players tackle without helmets and 5 stones worth of wussy boy protective padding.
I have done such competitions before. We always won the rugby, even when out numbered 25 to 15 on the field, we almost won the football (soccer) also as a lot of rugby guys grew up playing both, and we beat the football guys at Hockey (but got beat by the hockey team who refused point blank to play us at rugby, they clubbed together with the football team against us).
When it comes to binge drinking I think the UK (and maybe Australia) rules the world due to our archaic licensing laws/hours.
There are girly leagues in football and rugby (I used to coach one that made the top 16 in England) but not American football (because it's already played by girls
Way to hijack TJ's thread