The reason that all girl teams is stupid is the same reason that all ginger teams are stupid: you are limiting your player pool. That is dumb. When you have a smaller group of candidates to chose from, you will not have as many excellent and terrible choices (of course, you are mainly interested in the excellent).
If you want to win, you play with the best players you can stand, whether they are men, women, or have webbed toes. Excluding men from a team is excluding almost everyone in the sport because of a factor that has nothing to do with winning, so far as we know.
Also, I don't know about "production of adrenalin", but Skeet was talking about the way adrenalin affects the person, not its production. If I pour adrenalin into my lawn mower, it doesn't get all that excited. Even if I pour in a lot, it has more effect on me than the lawnmower.
Now, I am not calling you a lawnmower, Gups, but don't you think the garden is looking a little shabby?
If women have different amounts of cholestrol in their blood than men, on average, coffee will have a different effect- the greater the cholestrol, the faster the coffee loses its effect in the body. i would submit that there are definite differences in blood chemistry between men and women, and that it is entirely possible, if not clearly demonstrated, that some of those differences will impact the effects of adrenalin.
All I am saying, is, take a look at that yard. I think you know what needs to happen.